How to use a custom mirror for Parallels Updates Server
If you already have your Parallels Updates Server mirror setup.
Then on the hardware node, edit the file defining the repository URL.
The file for editing is /vz/template/[os]/[os-version]/[platform]/config/app/[app-template-name]/default/repositories.
For example:
Replace the Parallels Updates server URLs with the corresponding ones of your mirror and save the file.
Clean or re-fetch the packages metadata.
For Example
Tags: Custom, mirror, Parallels, server, updates
How to install a Panel template on a Parallels Containers hardware node manually
Obtain the template from the Parallels Web site and upload it to the target Parallels Containers hardware node.
Install the application template by running a command in the following format:
rpm -Uvh [absolute path to the template]
For example, the following command installs Qmail RPM:
rpm -Uvh pp10-centos-5-x86_64-ez-3.0.0-35.prl.293476.noarch.rpm
Tags: Containers, Hardware, install, Manually, node, Panel, Parallels, template
How to install a Panel template on a Parallels Containers hardware node.
To install a Panel template on a Parallels Containers hardware node using the vzup2date utility:
Connect to the target Parallels Containers hardware node over SSH.
Install the application template by running a command in the following format:
For EZ templates:
For standard templates:
Select the required OS and application templates and click Next to start installation.
Tags: Containers, Hardware, install, node, Panel, Parallels, template
Major-Version and Fixed-Version Templates
Starting with Parallels Plesk Panel 10.0, Parallels ships two sets of EZ templates for each Panel release: major-version templates, and fixed-version templates. Both provide the same software components, the only difference between them is what template updates are installed when a Container is updated:
Major-version templates get all the latest updates released for the major version of the Panel.
If the major-version base template of the Panel 10 (pp10) is installed in a Container, the vzpkg update [CT_ID] command will update it to the latest released version of the Panel 10.x.x, be it 10.0.1, 10.1.0, or any other.
Fixed-version templates only get hotfix updates released for this exact - fixed - version, say, 10.0.0.
For example, if the fixed-version base template of the Panel 10.0.0 (pp10.0.0) is installed in a Container, the vzpkg update [CT_ID] command will not change the Panel version, it will remain 10.0.0.
Tags: Fixed-Version, Major-Version, templates
How to fix Broken RedHat up2date support on Parallels Plesk
In Parallels Plesk Panel 10.0.1 installed on RedHat 4 OS try upgrading any component through Autoinstaller in Parallels Plesk interface. The following error is shown:
There was an error downloading: ……
An error has occurred:
See /var/log/up2date for more information
Error: The up2date utility failed to install the required packages.
Attention! Your software might be inoperable.
Please, contact product technical support.
For fixing this issue you can use following workarounds:
Edit /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources file for use different IDs for sources added by Parallels Installer. Need to edit between component selection and installation process start.
Disable up2date: Edit file /root/.autoinstallerrc
Tags: Broken, fix, Parallels, plesk, redhat, support, up2date