Archive for the tag 'Manually'

How to manually Check for Package Updates

The following command prints a list of packages that need to be updated:

# yum check-update

To actually install these updates, run:

# yum update

Will manually updated MySQL,work with cPanel & WHM?

Yes, but you will need to disable MySQL updates on the Update Preferences screen:

1. Go to Main >> Server Configuration >> Update Preferences.
2. Under cPanel Package Updates >> mysqld, click Never.
3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

There may be compatibility problems with any software you choose to install manually.

Cpanel only supports MySQL versions that they supply with cPanel & WHM.

How to install a Panel template on a Parallels Containers hardware node manually

Obtain the template from the Parallels Web site and upload it to the target Parallels Containers hardware node.

Install the application template by running a command in the following format:

rpm -Uvh [absolute path to the template]

For example, the following command installs Qmail RPM:

rpm -Uvh pp10-centos-5-x86_64-ez-3.0.0-35.prl.293476.noarch.rpm


How to extract web files, databases etc from Plesk backup manually?

If you have not so big dump file, for example 100-200MB, you can unzip it and open in any local Email client. Paths of the dump will be shown as attachments. Choose and save needed one then unzip it.

Other Way - It can be done using mpack tools to work with MIME files. This packet is included into Debian:

# apt-get install mpack

For other Linux systems you can try to use RPM from ALT Linux:

or compile mpack from the sources:
- Create an empty directory to extract the back up file:

# mkdir recover
# cd recover

and copy backup into it.By default Plesk backup is gzipped (if not, use cat), so run zcat to pass data to munpack to extract content of directories from the backup file:

# cat DUMP_FILE | munpack

In result you get the set of tar and sql files that contain domains’ directories and databases. Untar the needed directory. For example if you need to restore the httpdocs folder for the DOMAIN.TLD domain:

# tar xvf DOMAIN.TLD.htdocs


How to remove a website manually in Ensim Pro Control Panel

Sometimes, the site is not fully removed from the server so it should be deleted manually. Here are all steps that should be done, but please note that after deleting the site can not be restored back.

Everything should be done from under root user.

Check which siteX the site corresponds to:

sitelookup -d site_handle

and what adminX is responsible for it:

sitelookup -d wp_user

Let’s say siteX is site handler for the necessary domain, and adminX is the owner.

Remove user content physically from the server:

rm -rf /home/virtual/siteX
rm -f /home/virtual/adminX
rm -f /home/virtual/
rm -f /etc/httpd/conf/virtual/siteX
rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf/siteX
rm -f /etc/webalizer/
userdel adminX

And remove the records from the system database:

psql appldb
delete from telnet where site_id = siteX;
delete from apache where site_id =site X;
delete from ssh where site_id = siteX;
delete from users where site_id = siteX;
delete from bandwidth_log where site_id = siteX;
delete from bandwidth_spans where site_id = siteX;
delete from bandwidth where site_id = siteX;
delete from free_uids where site_id = siteX;
delete from diskquota where site_id = siteX;
delete from ipinfo where site_id = siteX;
delete from ipinfo_ipaddrs where site_id = siteX;
delete from ipinfo_nbaddrs where site_id = siteX;
delete from reseller where site_id = siteX;
delete from siteinfo where site_id = siteX;

Finally, you need to go through all the files in /etc/virtualhosting/mappings and check if any of them refer to the site you’re deleting. You can use grep to quickly see if/which files might refer to the site to be deleted:

cd /etc/virtualhosting/mappings
grep -l siteX *

And finally - restart ensim CP:

/etc/init.d/epld stop
/etc/init.d/epld start

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