Archive for the tag 'templates'

Commands to mirrors EZ templates for Parallels Virtuozzo containers

This command mirrors EZ templates for Parallels Virtuozzo containers for RPM-based repositories.

# rsync -au –delete rsync:// destination_directory/PSA10

These commands create links that the installer uses to install EZ templates on DEB-based OSes.

If you plan not to mirror EZ templates or you serve RPM-based OSes, omit this step.

# cd destination_directory/debian; ln -s PSA_10.0.0 PSA10

# cd destination_directory/ubuntu; ln -s PSA_10.0.0 PSA10

Downloading configuration files and mirroring EZ templates

This command downloads the configuration files.

# rsync -auv –delete rsync://’autoinstall/products.inf3 autoinstall/plesk.inf3 autoinstall/pp-sitebuilder.inf3 autoinstall/billing.inf3′ destination_directory

This command mirrors EZ templates for Parallels Virtuozzo containers for RPM-based repositories. If you plan not to mirror EZ templates or you plan to serve Debian or Ubuntu OSes, omit this step.

# rsync -au –delete rsync:// destination_directory/PSA10

Major-Version and Fixed-Version Templates

Starting with Parallels Plesk Panel 10.0, Parallels ships two sets of EZ templates for each Panel release: major-version templates, and fixed-version templates. Both provide the same software components, the only difference between them is what template updates are installed when a Container is updated:

Major-version templates get all the latest updates released for the major version of the Panel.

If the major-version base template of the Panel 10 (pp10) is installed in a Container, the vzpkg update [CT_ID] command will update it to the latest released version of the Panel 10.x.x, be it 10.0.1, 10.1.0, or any other.

Fixed-version templates only get hotfix updates released for this exact - fixed - version, say, 10.0.0.

For example, if the fixed-version base template of the Panel 10.0.0 (pp10.0.0) is installed in a Container, the vzpkg update [CT_ID] command will not change the Panel version, it will remain 10.0.0.

vzpkg - tool for managing Virtuozzo templates

Virtuozzo EZ Template Management tool. Handles Virtuozzo templates and standalone RPM packages.


Install application template(s) or package(s) into a container CT ID|CT NAME. Multiple objects can be specified.


To install mysql and php application EZ template into this CT:

vzpkg install 1000 mysql php




Creating Ensim Service Plan templates

To create a Service Plan template:

In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Add Service Plan (Sites section).
Use the Service Plan Options Information to help you complete the form.
In the Save Plan area, save the plan as a new template or overwrite an existing template.

Before creating sites, you might want to create Service Plan templates. These templates are not required to create a site; however, they can make creating multiple sites easier and faster by establishing the services and utilities you want to assign to specific sites when you create them.

To save the plan as a new plan, select the Save as a new plan option. In the adjacent text box, enter the name of the new plan.

To update or overwrite an existing plan, select the Save as an existing plan option. From the list, click the arrow and choose a name.

To save this plan as the default plan, click the arrow and choose default.

Click Save.