Archive for the tag 'Custom'


Custom Configure Flags

Custom Configure Flags

Custom configure flags (also known as “raw opts”) are lines of data that advanced users can add to a specific file on the server in order to customize the configuration of Apache or PHP builds.

To add custom configure flags, you must know the version of Apache and PHP to which you need to add the flag. EasyApache allows you to specify any configure option supported by Apache and/or PHP. Simply place the option in the appropriate file; the files are as follows:

For Apache 1.3.x — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/Apache1
For Apache 2.0.x — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/Apache2
For Apache 2.2.x — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/Apache2_2
For all PHP 4.x versions — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/all_php4
For all PHP 5.x versions — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/all_php5
For Mod_suPHP — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/all_suphp
For a specific PHP Version — /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts/PHP-X.X.X

Integrating your custom software with cPanel & WHM

Software development kit (SDK) contains instructions and sample code describing the methods you can use to interact with our products.

Getting started

For those who are new to developing software that integrates with cPanel & WHM, you should review the API documentation. API allows you to access cPanel & WHM through your code.

API documentation:


EasyApache3 Saving Custom Options

EasyApache3 Saving Custom Options

Every time Apache is rebuilt, its current configuration is stored as Previously Saved Config, in both the command line and WHM EasyApache interfaces. However, you may still want to store your custom configuration for later use.

To store custom options, you should save the configuration with a file name, display name, and description. You can accomplish this under step 6 in EasyApache, by filling in the required information and clicking Save and build or Save only (Do NOT build). Using the Save only (Do NOT build) button can be useful if you would like to create a profile for a different server.

The custom profile is saved to the


directory on your server, and automatically given the filename extension .yaml.

How to use a custom mirror for Parallels Updates Server

If you already have your Parallels Updates Server mirror setup.

Then on the hardware node, edit the file defining the repository URL.

The file for editing is /vz/template/[os]/[os-version]/[platform]/config/app/[app-template-name]/default/repositories.

For example:


Replace the Parallels Updates server URLs with the corresponding ones of your mirror and save the file.

Clean or re-fetch the packages metadata.

For Example

vzpkg clean

Problems building Apache with your custom modules

If you have problems building Apache with your custom modules, and you are unable to troubleshoot the problem, run

/scripts/easyapache –skip-custom-optmods

This builds Apache and PHP without any custom modules.

From WHM

Access the WHM equivalent found in EasyApache’s Help section.

In order to remove a custom module from the server, simply delete the files you have created when you issued the above commands. The module will be removed from all future builds and the EasyApache interface.


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