POP3 is not authorizing to login in cPanel server

The problem is xinted had two services popa3d and popa3ds, which were interfering with cpanel secure ports as well cpanel’s pop3 service.

To resolve this issue:

Remove popa3d and popa3ds from /etc/xinetd.d folder

$ mv /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d.bak
$ mv /etc/xinetd.d/popa3ds /etc/xinetd.d/popa3ds.bak

Restarted xinetd service

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Re-install using /scripts/courierup –force

/scripts/courierup –force

Rvskin Manager installation - disk space usage issue.

During the installation of Rvskin Manager, when creating the settings in the Features List, the following error appears:

“Sorry,your disk space usage is full.” , even if the disk size is not full.


The issue might be due to the incorrect permissions or attributes of files/folders in ‘/home’, which cannot write file in your home directory.

You need to set the ownership of “rvadmin” properly. That is, /home/rvadmin.

chown rvadmin.rvadmin rvadmin

This should fix the issue.

Upcp Error Message for changing host IP to

Error Message
The hostname (domain.server.com) resolves to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. It should resolve to Please be sure to correct /etc/hosts as well as the ‘A’entry in zone file for the domain. Some are all of these problems can be caused by /etc/resolv.conf being setup incorrectly. Please check this file if you believe everything else is correct.

Issue is due to wrong ethernet interface specified in “WHM >> Basic cPanel/WHM Setup”.

In order to resolve this check the ethernet configuration file for the value “IPADDR” and add this interface in “WHM >> Basic cPanel/WHM Setup”

Now for crosschecking take the option “Add an A Entry for your Hostname” in WHM.

Finally start “ipaliases” (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ipaliases) service for the new interface.

Incorrect diskspace and information in cPanel

cPanel keeps disk space usage for your entire account, email accounts, databases, and other features. These are cached for faster interactions. They will refresh once every day.

If you purge many emails from trash and can see that the folders are empty, then the emails are really gone and not using disk space. Your cPanel may still show few MB being used, but this will be updated within 4 hours.

If you import a database and can see all of the tables and data, then the data is saved and is using disk space. cPanel may still show 0 MB, but this will be updated within 4 hours.

From WHM, if we increase the total disk space for an account, and WHM shows the increase, then the account can use the new disk space immediately. Inside cPanel it may still show the old disk space limit, but this will update automatically within 4 hours.

Park Wrapper Error

Park Wrapper Error

When trying to add an addon domain, or parked domain, you might run across a ‘Park Wrapper Error’. Here are some common errors, and how to fix them:

Error from park wrapper: domainname.com is already configured.

This means that a DNS Zone File already exists for this domain. If you have WHM, simply go to Delete a DNS Zone and remove the domain name you are trying to add.

Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs…. Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server.

This means you still need to point the domain name to the server before you can add it.

Error from park wrapper: Unable to find out which user owns the parked domain

To solve this error message (usually received when attempting to remove a parked domain name), simply try adding the domain name to the Addon Domains section of cPanel. It will error out. After you receive the error message, go into the Parked Domains section of cPanel and remove the domain name.

Error from park wrapper: domainname.com is owned by another user

This means the domain name is already setup with hosting on your server, under a different user’s account.

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