Archive for the tag 'login'


Wordpress Login LockDown

Wordpress Login LockDown

Limits the number of login attempts from a given IP range within a certain time period.


Login LockDown records the IP address and timestamp of every failed login attempt. If more than a certain number of attempts are detected within a short period of time from the same IP range, then the login function is disabled for all requests from that range. This helps to prevent brute force password discovery. Currently the plugin defaults to a 1 hour lock out of an IP block after 3 failed login attempts within 5 minutes. This can be modified via the Options panel. Admisitrators can release locked out IP ranges manually from the panel.


1. Extract the zip file into your plugins directory into its own folder.
2. Activate the plugin in the Plugin options.
3. Customize the settings from the Options panel, if desired.


POP3 is not authorizing to login in cPanel server

The problem is xinted had two services popa3d and popa3ds, which were interfering with cpanel secure ports as well cpanel’s pop3 service.

To resolve this issue:

Remove popa3d and popa3ds from /etc/xinetd.d folder

$ mv /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d.bak
$ mv /etc/xinetd.d/popa3ds /etc/xinetd.d/popa3ds.bak

Restarted xinetd service

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Re-install using /scripts/courierup –force

/scripts/courierup –force

Disabling SSH Login for root user

Disabling SSH Login for root user

Below are instructions for disabling the root user and allowing another user to assume the root users permissions. This adds another layer of security because an additional username and password must now be entered before gaining the root user privileges.

Before you disable root logins you should add an administrative user that can ssh into the server and become root with su.

In the following example we are using buddy for the username, but can be replaced with any username you wish to use.

root@dell:~# useradd buddy
root@dell:~# id buddy
uid=1005(buddy) gid=1007(buddy) groups=1007(buddy)

Set the password for the buddy user. When prompted type and then retype the password.

root@dell:~# passwd buddy
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

SSH to the server with the new admin user and ensure that the login works.
Verify that you can su (switch user) to root with the admin user.

buddy@dell:/$ su
root@dell:/# whoami

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config with your favorite text editor.

#vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change this line:

#PermitRootLogin yes

to this:

PermitRootLogin no

Ensure that you are logged into the box with another shell before restarting sshd to avoid locking yourself out of the server.

# /etc/init.d/sshd restart

Linux Login shell

When you log in to the Linux system, the bash shell starts as a login shell. The login shell looks for four different startup files to process commands from. The order in which the bash shell processes the files are:

$HOME/.bash profile
$HOME/.bash login

The /etc/profile file is the main default startup file for the bash shell on the system. Every user on the system executes this startup file when they log in. The other three startup files are specific for each user and can be customized for each user’s requirements.

Step 1 Add your admin user to the ‘wheel’ group so that you will be able to ’su -’ to root, otherwise you may lock yourself out of root.

Adding user to the wheel group.

usermod -g wheel username

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Next, find the line PermitRootLogin yes and Uncomment it and make it look like PermitRootLogin no

Now restart SSH

/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart

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