Archive for the tag 'Installation'

Configure Automatic Update Retrieval and Installation with Cron

The yum-updatesd service is not mature enough for an enterprise environment, and the service may introduce unnecessary overhead. When possible, replace this service with a cron job that calls yum directly.

Disable the yum-updatesd service:

# chkconfig yum-updatesd off

Create the file yum.cron, make it executable, and place it in /etc/cron.daily:

/usr/bin/yum -R 120 -e 0 -d 0 -y update yum
/usr/bin/yum -R 10 -e 0 -d 0 -y update

This particular script instructs yum to update any packages it finds. Placing the script in
/etc/cron.daily ensures its daily execution.
To only apply updates once a week, place the script in /etc/cron.weekly instead.


PXE Installation

Prepare for a PXE installation

The following steps must be performed to prepare for a PXE installation:

Configure the network (NFS, FTP, HTTP) server to export the installation tree.
Configure the files on the tftp server necessary for PXE booting.

Configure which hosts are allowed to boot from the PXE configuration.
Start the tftp service.
Configure DHCP.
Boot the client, and start the installation.


Apache cPanel SSL Cert Installation

Apache cPanel SSL Cert Installation

Installing your cPanel SSL Certificate

The following instructions are for cPanel 11. If you have a different version of cPanel, you will go through a similar process but you may need to ask your web host for specific instructions.

1.Download your Intermediate and Primary Certificate files from your certificate provider to the directory where you will keep your certificate and key files.

2.Login to your cPanel control panel.

3.Find and click on SSL/TLS Manager.

4.Click on Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.

5.Under the Upload a New Certificate section, click on the Browse button and find your Primary Certificate (yourdomain.crt) that you downloaded in the first step.

mod_bandwidth : APACI & APXS installation

WARNING: It is very important to give the lowest priority to mod_bandwidth so other modules will have the time to do their job before the documents are transmited ! For that reason, it is important to follow those steps :

APACI installation

* Copy the file mod_bandwidth.c to your Apache source directory.
* Run the ./configure script with the following directives :
–add-module=mod_bandwidth.c –permute-module=BEGIN:bandwidth
* Compile and install Apache.

APXS installation

* Compile the module with :
/path_to_apache/bin/apxs -c /path/mod_bandwidth.c -o /path_to_apache/libexec/
* Add the following lines to your httpd.conf file :
LoadModule bandwidth_module libexec/
AddModule mod_bandwidth.c

Those directives should be placed at the begining of the list so that the module will be given the lowest priority and be executed after others modules.


How to set up the admin’s password using CLI After Installation

When Parallels Plesk Panel is installed, a random password is generated for the user ‘admin’, which replaces the old scheme when the same default password was used on all installations. This change was done to protect servers with freshly installed Panel from hacking by bots that use the default password.

After the installation is finished, you can set the admin’s password being authenticated in the Panel with credentials of the server system power user, that is “root” on Linux systems.

The admin’s password can be set up during the Panel initialization (this is the best way), or afterwards.

Issue the following command (you should have the power user privileges):

On Linux/Unix:

PSA_PASSWORD=[new_password] /usr/local/psa/bin/init_conf –set-admin-password -passwd


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