How to hide the user interface elements related to mail services from the Control Panel:
1. In the Server Administration Panel, go to Settings > Mail Server Settings (in the Mail group
2. Clear the Enable mail management functions in Panel checkbox.
3. Click OK.
Alternately, you can hide these elements by using the server_pref command line utility:
On Linux systems
/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -disable-mail-ui true
If you need to restore the mail management controls, you can do so either by going to Server Administration Panel > Settings > Mail Server Settings, and selecting the Enable mail management functions in Panel checkbox, or by using the command line utility:
On Linux systems
/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -disable-mail-ui false
Tags: Control, elements, Hide, interface, mail, Panel, Services, User
How to customize or remove Panel License and Add-On Keys
In Server Administration Panel > Tools & Utilities > License Management, there are links that can be customize or remove:
If you need to customize these links so as to point at your company’s website, create a text file named panel.ini and place the following lines there:
panelAndAddonsLicensesStore = “”
If you want to remove these links from the Panel, leave the URL empty:
panelAndAddonsLicensesStore = “”
Save the file and place it in the following directory on the Panel-managed server:
On Unix/Linux: /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/
To undo the customization and return to default values, remove these strings from panel.ini.
Tags: add-on, customize, keys, License, Panel, remove
How to customize link to Provider’s Website
To customize the URL that opens when the View Services button is clicked:
On Linux systems, issue the following command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -mpc_portal_url [url]
To remove the View Services button:
On Linux systems, issue the following command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -extras true
Location of link to Provider’s Website
Server Administration Panel > Tools & Utilities > View Services button.
Tags: customize, link, Provider's, website
How to customize SSL Certificate buttons URL
To customize the Buy SSL Certificate and View Certificates buttons URL:
On Linux systems, issue the following command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -cert_purchasing_url [url]
To remove the buttons for viewing and purchasing SSL certificates:
On Linux systems, issue the following command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -cert_purchasing true
Tags: buttons, certificate, customize, ssl, URL
How to customize Domain Names button URL
On Linux systems, issue the following command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -domain_management_url [url]
Remove the Manage Domain Names button:
On Linux systems, issue the following command:
/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -domain_management true
Tags: button, customize, Domain, Names, URL