Archive for the tag 'User'


How to verify user defaults

How to verify user defaults.

If you want to view the defaults, type the useradd command with the -D option as follows:

# useradd -D

You can also use the -D option to change defaults. When run with this flag, useradd refrains from actually creating a new user account; instead, it saves any additionally supplied options as the new default values in /etc/login.defs. Not all useradd options can be used.

To set any of the defaults, give the -D option first; then add any of the defaults you want to set. For example, to set the default home directory location to /home/everyone and the default shell to /bin/tcsh, type the following:

# useradd -D -b /home/everyone -s /bin/tcsh

How to hide the user interface elements related to mail services from the Control Panel:

1. In the Server Administration Panel, go to Settings > Mail Server Settings (in the Mail group
2. Clear the Enable mail management functions in Panel checkbox.
3. Click OK.

Alternately, you can hide these elements by using the server_pref command line utility:

On Linux systems

/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -disable-mail-ui true

If you need to restore the mail management controls, you can do so either by going to Server Administration Panel > Settings > Mail Server Settings, and selecting the Enable mail management functions in Panel checkbox, or by using the command line utility:

On Linux systems

/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -disable-mail-ui false


Switch the power user mode off through API RPC:

Send the following request packet to the server:

[packet version=""]



How to switch the power user mode off

How to switch the power user mode off

How to switch the power user mode off and return to the standard panel view through the command line:

On Linux systems, issue the command:

/usr/local/psa/bin/poweruser –off


How to enable the power user mode through API RPC

Send the following request packet to the server:

[packet version=""]







Enabling the power user mode via API RPC does not create a default webspace.
The default webspace information will be requested and created as soon as admin logs in to the Panel


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