Archive for the tag 'Services'

How to hide the user interface elements related to mail services from the Control Panel:

1. In the Server Administration Panel, go to Settings > Mail Server Settings (in the Mail group
2. Clear the Enable mail management functions in Panel checkbox.
3. Click OK.

Alternately, you can hide these elements by using the server_pref command line utility:

On Linux systems

/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -disable-mail-ui true

If you need to restore the mail management controls, you can do so either by going to Server Administration Panel > Settings > Mail Server Settings, and selecting the Enable mail management functions in Panel checkbox, or by using the command line utility:

On Linux systems

/usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -disable-mail-ui false


Customizing Service Links for Domain Registration and Management Services

To customize the Register Domain Names button URL:

On Linux systems, issue the following command:

/usr/local/psa/bin/interface_template -p -domain_registration_url [url]

xinetd Services & security errata

xinetd Services & security errata

Services controlled by the xinetd super service only run when a there is an active connection. Examples of services controlled by xinetd include Telnet, IMAP, and POP3.

Because new instances of these services are launched by xinetd each time a new request is received, connections that occur after an upgrade are handled by the updated software. However, if there are active connections at the time the xinetd controlled service is upgraded, they are serviced by the older version of the software.

To kill off older instances of a particular xinetd controlled service, upgrade the package for the service then halt all processes currently running. To determine if the process is running, use the ps command and then use the kill or killall command to halt current instances of the service.

For example, if security errata imap packages are released, upgrade the packages, then type the following command as root into a shell prompt:

ps aux | grep imap

This command returns all active IMAP sessions. Individual sessions can then be terminated by issuing the following command:

kill [ PID ]

If this fails to terminate the session, use the following command instead:

kill -9 [ PID ]

SysV Services In Redhat

SysV Services In Redhat

SysV services are persistent server programs launched during the boot process. Examples of SysV services include sshd, vsftpd, and xinetd.

Because these programs usually persist in memory as long as the machine is booted, each updated SysV service must be halted and relaunched after the package is upgraded. This can be done using the Services Configuration Tool or by logging into a root shell prompt and issuing the /sbin/service command as in the following example:

/sbin/service [ service-name ] restart
/sbin/service ssh restart

In the above example, replace with the name of the service, such as sshd.


Disabling services in RPM distros

Disabling services in RPM distros

There are several services running by default that may be safely disabled. First, we’ll generate a list of services that are enabled at runlevel 3.

chkconfig –list | awk ‘/3:on/ { print $1 }’

We will disable the following services

gpm kudzu netfs anacron atd apmd pcmcia nfslock isdn autofs portmap rhnsd

for SERVICE in gpm kudzu netfs anacron atd apmd pcmcia nfslock isdn autofs portmap rhnsd
/sbin/chkconfig $SERVICE off
/sbin/service $SERVICE stop

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