Archive for the tag 'configuration'

Downloading configuration files and mirroring EZ templates

This command downloads the configuration files.

# rsync -auv –delete rsync://’autoinstall/products.inf3 autoinstall/plesk.inf3 autoinstall/pp-sitebuilder.inf3 autoinstall/billing.inf3′ destination_directory

This command mirrors EZ templates for Parallels Virtuozzo containers for RPM-based repositories. If you plan not to mirror EZ templates or you plan to serve Debian or Ubuntu OSes, omit this step.

# rsync -au –delete rsync:// destination_directory/PSA10

IPV6 Network Configuration in Linux

IPV6 Network Configuration in Linux

Add nameserver to resolv.config

vi /etc/resolv.conf

Add line for ipv6 nameserver

nameserver 1407:f800::113:23:133:101

vi /etc/sysconfig/network

Add a line at the bottom


vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Add lines at the bottom




Restart network services:

service network restart

Changed PHP configuration, but doesn’t seem to be working.

To resolved this issue.

First, perform a HARD restart of Apache.

If that doesn’t fix the problem, verify that the “Include /usr/local/apache/conf/php.conf” directive is in httpd.conf

If that is okay, check the error log for obvious problems.

If nothing particularly revealing is in the logs, check the .htaccess files in all directories leading to the script for bad AddHandler directives.

Building the Apache Configuration File in WHM

The build process begins by distilling and recording Apache’s current configuration. The build time options you configured during the EasyApache setup are used to begin building the configuration.

Option modules such as mod_security are installed, and their corresponding modifications are made to the new Apache configuration file.
A new, assumedly valid Apache configuration file will exist in the configuration directory.
Directives added to the final Apache configuration file as defaults have been removed at this point.
No VirtualHost entries exist in the configuration file at this point.

The new configuration is distilled in much the same way as before; however, this time the configuration is used as the basis for creating the server’s main Apache configuration template.
New directives and values are stored.

Any directives and values held over from the previous configuration will retain their values from that configuration.
The combination of the main template and data stores will be the basis for regenerating the final configuration file.

Finally, the new Apache configuration file is generated from the template and data stores and checked for syntactical correctness.
If the new file passes the test, the process is complete.
If the file fails the syntax check, the previous Apache configuration is restored.



Apache configuration

Apache configuration on Ubuntu

Apache Default Timeout

Timeout 300

Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.

This sets (in simple terms) the maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a request, action it and the response to the request.
The default is deliberately set high to allow for varied situations. You can reduce this to something more sane, to 30 seconds or even lower. A decrease may also help in reducing the effects of a DOS attack.
KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than one request per connection).

KeepAlive On

You should generally have KeepAlive “On” as it allows for persistent connections to a client so each file, image, etc. that gets requested. Without keepalives, the apache server and web client will need to establish new connections for every element needed to display a web page. Keeping a single connection going that the client can reuse allows your server to manage clients more efficiently.


MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount. We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.

MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

Since we have our persistent connection, set the maximum number of requests per connection. Keep this high for maximum performance. You might want to experiment with this setting a bit, but if you have a site with lots of images, javascript, etc, try increasing MaxKeepAliveRequests to as much as 500.

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