Archive for the tag 'configuration'

Unable to open configuration file /etc/psa/psa.conf: Permission denied

unable to open configuration file /etc/psa/psa.conf: Permission denied

Such errors are reported when Panel spam-filter processes incoming mail to mailbox with the Spamassasin feature enabled. Error is reported because spam-filter hook has no permission to access files in the /etc/psa directory. However, Spamassassin still processes messages correctly so this error does not mean Spamassassin is not working.

To workaround the issue it is possible to add the execute permissions for the /etc/psa folder.

chmod +x /etc/psa



The munin.conf configuration file

The munin.conf configuration file.

Open the file /etc/munin/munin.conf so that you can change a couple important settings.

# Drop somejuser@fnord.comm and anotheruser@blibb.comm an email everytime
# something changes (OK -> WARNING, CRITICAL -> OK, etc)
#contact.someuser.command mail -s “Munin notification” somejuser@fnord.comm
#contact.anotheruser.command mail -s “Munin notification” anotheruser@blibb.comm

You can use the example above in the munin.conf as a template to add your own email notifications.

The “host tree” section of munin.conf describes the organization of any monitored nodes on munin’s overview page. Setting up one node on the same server leave the default address of alone. You might want to change the host tree name to something more descriptive.

# a simple host tree
use_node_name yes

Open the /etc/munin/munin-node.conf file and look for an entry with “host”.

Now to restrict the node to listen to localhost only, you should change the host entry to:

# Which address to bind to;

start the munin-node service

sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node start

To make sure the munin-node service starts on reboot.

sudo /sbin/chkconfig munin-node on

Cpanel DNS Cluster Configuration - how it should be configured

If at all possible, you should link your web server directly to the DNS servers, you will need to sync each web server to its DNS servers.


Creating a cluster setup with direct links between servers can decrease CPU load, improving the performance of your servers. The more steps, or “hops,” between a web server and a nameserver, the slower the servers’ performance will be.

You should not set a DNS server to sync data back to a web server, as this will put extraneous data on the web server.

For each intermediate server you add, the data transfer time is 3 times slower than for a direct link.


Postfix configuration files

Postfix configuration files

By default, Postfix configuration files are in /etc/postfix. The two most important files are and; these files must be owned by root. Giving someone else write permission to or (or to their parent directories) means giving root privileges to that person.

In /etc/postfix/ you will have to set up a minimal number of configuration parameters. Postfix configuration parameters resemble shell variables, with two important differences: the first one is that Postfix does not know about quotes like the UNIX shell does.

You specify a configuration parameter as:

parameter = value

and you use it by putting a “$” character in front of its name:

other_parameter = $parameter

You can use $parameter before it is given a value (that is the second main difference with UNIX shell variables). The Postfix configuration language uses lazy evaluation, and does not look at a parameter value until it is needed at runtime.

Repair and rebuild all mail configuration in plesk.

This can be done with Plesk mchk utility:

Login to the server as user root and run the mchk utility.


# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk –with-spam

Also check for the options

# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk –help

mchk [OPTION]

–without-spam - restore all settings except for SpamAssassin configuration
–with-spam - restore all settings
–spam-only - restore only SpamAssassin settings

This utility rebuilds in line with Plesk database Qmail control files in the /var/qmail/control, /var/qmail/users directories and mail users’ settings. Also, it sets proper ownership/permissions for all mailboxes (/var/qmail/mailnames/*).

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