Archive for the tag 'command'


Fedora systemctl command line tool

Fedora systemctl command line tool

start, stop, and restart the services on the command line using the systemctl utility.

Configuring Services

To allow you to configure which services are started at boot time, Fedora is shipped with the systemctl command line tool. Do not use the ntsysv and chkconfig utilities. Although it is still possible to use the ntsysv and chkconfig utilities to manage services that have init scripts installed in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory, it is advised that you use the systemctl utility.

Enabling the Service

To configure a service to be automatically started at boot time, use the systemctl command in the following form:

systemctl enable service_name.service

Running the Service

To run a service, use the systemctl command in the following form:

systemctl start service_name.service

Unit Commands:

list-units List loaded units
start [NAME...] Start (activate) one or more units
stop [NAME...] Stop (deactivate) one or more units
reload [NAME...] Reload one or more units
restart [NAME...] Start or restart one or more units
try-restart [NAME...] Restart one or more units if active
reload-or-restart [NAME...] Reload one or more units is possible,
otherwise start or restart
reload-or-try-restart [NAME...] Reload one or more units is possible,
otherwise restart if active
isolate [NAME] Start one unit and stop all others
kill [NAME...] Send signal to processes of a unit


Using ntpdate command

Using ntpdate command

The ntpdate command will sync your clock with an NTP server

The ntpdate command will not run when the NTP server is running, if you run then it says the NTP socket is in use, exiting.

[centos@centos ~]$ grep ^server /etc/ntp.conf
[centos@centos ~]$ sudo ntpdate
[sudo] password for centos:
13 Nov 19:15:42 ntpdate[10611]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting
[centos@centos ~]$

Stop NTP and then run ntpdate

centos@centos ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
Shutting down ntpd: [ OK ]
[centos@centos ~]$ sudo ntpdate
13 Nov 19:16:58 ntpdate[10636]: adjust time server offset -0.285447 sec
[centos@centos ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Starting ntpd: [ OK ]
[centos@centos ~]$ pgrep ntp
[centos@centos ~]$


Difference between the EasyApache interfaces in the browser and the command line.

The only difference is that the command line provides more flexible, powerful functionality.

For example, by running.

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache –build

You can skip the configuration steps and build Apache immediately.

For a full list of command line arguments, run

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache –help

The rebuild_phpconf script on your server allows you to udpate your server’s php.conf file (located at /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf). By doing this, you can change Apache’s PHP handler configuration, change the default version of PHP used by your server, and enable or disable the suEXEC feature.

Note: This script offers nearly the same functionality as the WHM Configure PHP and suEXEC feature. Users more comfortable with a graphical interface may prefer that method.

To see a list of all options and arguments for this script, type the following from the command line:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf –help

How to install a license key through the command line interface.

To install a Panel license key using the Panel CLI, you should first upload it to the machine with the Panel, and then install it with the license utility.

license [--install|-i] [path-to-key-file]

For example:

1. On Linux/Unix:

./license -i /tmp/pp10key.xml


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