Fedora systemctl command line tool

start, stop, and restart the services on the command line using the systemctl utility.

Configuring Services

To allow you to configure which services are started at boot time, Fedora is shipped with the systemctl command line tool. Do not use the ntsysv and chkconfig utilities. Although it is still possible to use the ntsysv and chkconfig utilities to manage services that have init scripts installed in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory, it is advised that you use the systemctl utility.

Enabling the Service

To configure a service to be automatically started at boot time, use the systemctl command in the following form:

systemctl enable service_name.service

Running the Service

To run a service, use the systemctl command in the following form:

systemctl start service_name.service

Unit Commands:

list-units List loaded units
start [NAME...] Start (activate) one or more units
stop [NAME...] Stop (deactivate) one or more units
reload [NAME...] Reload one or more units
restart [NAME...] Start or restart one or more units
try-restart [NAME...] Restart one or more units if active
reload-or-restart [NAME...] Reload one or more units is possible,
otherwise start or restart
reload-or-try-restart [NAME...] Reload one or more units is possible,
otherwise restart if active
isolate [NAME] Start one unit and stop all others
kill [NAME...] Send signal to processes of a unit

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