Archive for the tag 'characters'


Email Addresses Disallowed characters

Email Addresses Disallowed characters

cPanel™ 11.25 expands the range of acceptable characters in the local part of email addresses to be closer in line with RFC 5322. Addresses created and managed by cPanel™ have the following limitations:

• Disallowed characters that have special meaning to the shell: &’`*|/

• Disallowed characters due to use as data value separators: @:%

Prior versions of cPanel™ only accepted the dash (-), underscore (_), and period (.) in the local part of an email address.

Interfaces that accept an email address for contact purposes should accept all RFC 5322 characters in the local part.

When upgrading to cPanel™ 11.25, email accounts with quotas larger than 2 GB will be upgraded to unlimited. This is due to limitations with Exim and Courier in handling larger quota values.

Does Plesk support international characters in domain names?

Since ‘Plesk 7 Reloaded’ Plesk includes complete support for the International Domain Naming conventions and their characters.

UTF8 character support is integrated as part of the interface redesign so Plesk will fully recognize characters from Japan, Korea, China, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, China, Arabic countries and many other native language characters.


Hotfix for characters allowed as password in protected directory section

Only 20 characters allowed as password in protected directory section.

For RHEL4:

Installation Procedure:

Get the RPMs from the locations mentioned above.

2. Upgrade the RPMs.


rpm -Uvh epl-apache-10.0.0-31.rhel.4ES.i386.rpm

3. service epld restart.