Aug 16th, 2010
How to extract a .war file
How to extract a .war file
If your hosting provider supports Tomcat, but not .war files, then you can extract .war file in your public_html folder to run your Tomcat application from there.
How to extract a .war file
If your hosting provider supports Tomcat, but not .war files, then you can extract .war file in your public_html folder to run your Tomcat application from there.
How to Setup Reseller Private Nameservers in WHM
First we need to register the name servers before we set them up on the server.
Resellers can also have their own private name servers for their own clients making the server provider more anonymous.
Login to your WHM account as root.
Click on Reseller Center on the left hand side.
Under Edit Reseller Privileges/Nameservers, select the reseller account you want to provide with private name servers.
Scroll down to the very bottom of the page until you see: Primary Nameserver.
In the Primary Nameserver field enter the primary nameserver.
Click “Assign IP Address”
Click “Add an A Entry for this nameserver”
In the Secondary Nameserver field enter the secondary.
Click Save
mod_flvx FLV Progressive download streaming for Apache 2
If you are using cpanel server you should have already installed Apache. Make sure that you have apache 2.2 version on the server or else you might have errors during compiling mod_flv.
Download mod_flvx.c from
Compile and install module:
Add the following handler in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Reload configuration:
How to upgrade Mysql on Plesk with CentOS Linux
The procedure for upgrade of Mysql is quite simple.
How to upgrade:
Enables specific repositories by id or glob that have been disabled in the configuration file using the enabled=0 option.
To upgrade php run ‘yum upgrade php‘
With the above methods mysql will be upgraded to latest release.
Sometimes we may see the mysql database size as zero in cPanel
This can be fixed as follows: SSH to the server as root and edit the cpanel.config file
search for
and then make change to
If the parameter is not present, add it. Save the file and execute the following command:
This may take few minutes to get fixed if you have a large number of users with databases, but once done, we should be able see the database disk usage show up accurately in cPanel.