Archive for the tag '.war'


How to deploy a .WAR application

How to deploy a .WAR application

Upload the .WAR archive to /public_html/servlet
Extract .WAR archive using Shell access using the unzip command (See How to access SSH if you need help)


# unzip example.war
Archive: example.war
creating: META-INF/
inflating: helloworld.jsp
creating: WEB-INF/
inflating: WEB-INF/web.xml
inflating: index.html

The system scans the appBase for WAR files at 5 minute intervals.
There is a specific structure that Java web archives must have and it will not work if it does not.


How to extract a .war file

How to extract a .war file

If your hosting provider supports Tomcat, but not .war files, then you can extract .war file in your public_html folder to run your Tomcat application from there.

jar xvf file-name.war