cPanel VPS Account Creation [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Problem to create a new account on cPanel VPS server.

Create a new Account
[an error occurred while processing this directive] Notification => via EMAIL [level => 3]
Account Creation

We need to find out what Cpanel error logs shows

#tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
edquota: Cannot set quota for user 543 from kernel on /dev/vzfs: No such process
edquota: Can’t write quota for 543 on /dev/vzfs: No such process

To resolve this: We need to raise the quotagidlimit from the resource tab on the hardware node.

Building the Apache Configuration File in WHM

The build process begins by distilling and recording Apache’s current configuration. The build time options you configured during the EasyApache setup are used to begin building the configuration.

Option modules such as mod_security are installed, and their corresponding modifications are made to the new Apache configuration file.
A new, assumedly valid Apache configuration file will exist in the configuration directory.
Directives added to the final Apache configuration file as defaults have been removed at this point.
No VirtualHost entries exist in the configuration file at this point.

The new configuration is distilled in much the same way as before; however, this time the configuration is used as the basis for creating the server’s main Apache configuration template.
New directives and values are stored.

Any directives and values held over from the previous configuration will retain their values from that configuration.
The combination of the main template and data stores will be the basis for regenerating the final configuration file.

Finally, the new Apache configuration file is generated from the template and data stores and checked for syntactical correctness.
If the new file passes the test, the process is complete.
If the file fails the syntax check, the previous Apache configuration is restored.


Enabling or disabling SuExec in WHM

SuExec is an Apache feature that gives users the ability to run CGI and SSI programs using user IDs that are different from the user ID of the calling web server. This effectively means that CGI and SSI programs will not have access to the root account or have root permissions.

To enable or disable SuExec:

1.Click on the Enable/Disable SuExec link in the Server Setup menu.
2.Click on the Enable button to enable SuExec or click on the Disable button to disable SuExec.

suEXEC is based on a setuid “wrapper” program that is called by the main Apache web server. This wrapper is called when an HTTP request is made for a CGI or SSI program that the administrator has designated to run as a userid other than that of the main server. When such a request is made, Apache provides the suEXEC wrapper with the program’s name and the user and group IDs under which the program is to execute.

Rolling back files in WHM

Rolling back files in WHM

WebHost Manager automatically saves a backup version of the following three files whenever they are changed:

*proftpd.conf or pure-ftpd.conf

You can revert to any of the previously saved versions whenever required. The restored version becomes the latest version, and does not delete other versions.

To roll back a file:

Please select a file to rollback:

Click on the Configuration File Rollback link in the Backup menu.

Click on the Back button button to review previous versions. As you change files, the Date field will update and the display area will update with the contents of the different file.
Click on the Restore button to roll back to the displayed version of the file.

Changing a certificate in WebHost Manager

WebHost Manager enables you to change your CPanel and WebHost Manager certificate automatically, without having to manually find and replace the certificate files.

Note: The CPanel certificate is used in the address and the WebHost Manager certificate is used in the address.

To change a certificate:

1.Click on the Change CPanel/WHM Certificate link in the SSL/TLS menu.
2.Enter the domain for the certificate in the Domain this CRT is for field.
3.Click on the Fetch button to paste the .key and .crt files for the domain into the available display spaces, if they are currently on your server. Otherwise, copy and paste the .key and .crt files into the available display areas.

Note: If you generated the certificate using WebHost Manager, the certificate files will be available.

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