How to disable news in SWsoft Plesk panel
Generally Plesk News frame can be closed with Close the News button in the bottom of the frame, and this frame will not be shown anymore in the next logins to Plesk interface.
The option to hide news is independent for every Plesk account and there are no option to close news server-wide for all accounts. If it is needed to close news for accounts without logging into panel, the changes like below may be done in Plesk database, for example the changes may be done by custom script which will be called using Even Manager feature in Plesk.
The examples below are for MySQL database engine.
To hide news for Plesk admin account you should login to MySQL with:
# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` psa
and run the queries:
mysql> INSERT INTO misc VALUES (’admin_news_dismissed’,3);
To hide news frame for Plesk client account (replace cl_id with an ID of needed Client, it can be known from from psa.clients table):
mysql> INSERT INTO cl_param VALUES (cl_id,’news_dismissed’,3);
To hide news frame for Plesk domain administrator account (replace dom_id with an ID of needed domain, it can be known from from table):
mysql> INSERT INTO dom_param VALUES (dom_id,’news_dismissed’,3);
To hide news frame for Plesk mail account (replace mn_id with an ID of needed mail account, it can be known from from psa.mail table):
mysql> INSERT INTO mn_param VALUES (mn_id,’news_dismissed’,3);
The value 3 in above commands means that News up to Plesk 8.2 will be hidden.
Reference :
Tags: Disable, news, Panel, plesk, SWsoft