Archive for the tag 'migration'

Shell description is missed in crontab files after migration.

After the migration to the Parallels Plesk Panel 10.x, the cron jobs are not executed by chrootsh.

The SHELL value in the crontab is not copied from the target to the destination server during the migration. Say, servers A and B are configured to use chroot shell. When migrating a customer account with crontab and the SHELL value is omitted:

To resolve this issue, Determine the path to the chrootsh utility with the following command:

# grep chroot /etc/shells

Add the SHELL value to the crontab with the command:

# /usr/local/psa/bin/server_pref -u -crontab-secure-shell

Reference :

Tool for checking issues before upgrade or migration to Parallels Plesk 10.x version

Due to the changes in business model in Parallels Plesk Panel 10.x release, not all previous accounts settings will be portable from the previous Parallels Plesk Panel releases.

Attached is a script that allows checking environment before upgrade or migration. Now it is checking business logic issues and it works for both platform: Linux and Windows. This tool could be launched prior to upgrade for the purpose of getting a report on potential problems with the upgrade. Based on the report a hoster can decide whether upgrade to Parallels Plesk Panel 10.x is suitable.

How to use..

# php plesk10_preupgrade_checker.php [plesk-admin-password] -d safe_mode=Off