Roundcube & SQLite

Roundcube & SQLite

cPanel™ 11.25 adds support for using SQLite [] as the RoundCube data store. When this option is enabled, each email account receives its own SQLite database file, which resides in /home/us
. The database file for the cPanel™ account is /home/user/etc/example.rcube.db.

This feature also changes the process ID of webmail logins for RoundCube sessions. Rather than being owned by the cpanelroundcube user, the process is owned by the cPanel™ system account that owns the email account.

Edit Privileges Reseller Nameservers

Resellers may modify their nameservers using a new, simplified Basic cPanel/WHM Setup interface.

This was available only for the root user in the Edit Privileges/Nameservers interface in the Reseller Center for cPanel™ 11.24.4 and prior versions. This feature is automatically available for all Resellers and is not governed by ACLs.

Pure-FTPd FTP Configuration WHM

Version 1.0.22 and higher of this popular FTP daemon allows the administrator to enforce TLS encryption on both the command and data channels of an FTP session. The FTP Server Configuration interface in WHM is updated to provide access to this feature.

The Broken Clients Compatibility directive is added to the WHM FTP Server Configuration interface. When enabled, this directive causes Pure-FTPd to ignore parts of the FTP protocol standards, to improve compatability with some buggy FTP clients and firewalls.

The cPanel WHM MX Editor interfaces

The cPanel and WHM MX Editor interfaces and subsystems received an update in cPanel™ 11.25.

This changed for cPanel™ 11.25. There are now the following options to configure how mail is to be handled by the local server:

• Automatically Detect MX Configuration

• Local Mail Exchanger

• Backup Mail Exchanger

• Remote Mail Exchanger

These options are presented in the Email Routing section of the MX Entry cPanel™ interface. A bried decription of each option appears in the cPanel™ interface. The description includes how the option will change the way the local system handles email for the domain being modified. This setting may be changed independently from the action of modifying a MX record.

Modifying the Email Routing for domain changes, or adds, an entry to the cPanel™ user file, normally in /var/cpanel/users.

Localization cPanel™ 11.25 new localization system

cPanel™ 11.25 comes with a new localization system: Cpanel::Locale. This new system simplifies the translation and localization of cPanel, WHM, themes and command line applications. Cpanel::Locale is backwards-compatible with existing translation methods and language files.

Cpanel::Locale uses an XML format for inetroperability. Two new interfaces in WHM make provision for importing and exporting a locale using XML.

Languages are now identified in the system by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code. Territory-specific languages are indicated by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code, followed by an underscore, then the two-letter ISO 3166 [] code. See Example 7, “ISO 639 + 3166 Example”

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