Archive for the tag 'Interfaces'


The cPanel WHM MX Editor interfaces

The cPanel WHM MX Editor interfaces

The cPanel and WHM MX Editor interfaces and subsystems received an update in cPanel™ 11.25.

This changed for cPanel™ 11.25. There are now the following options to configure how mail is to be handled by the local server:

• Automatically Detect MX Configuration

• Local Mail Exchanger

• Backup Mail Exchanger

• Remote Mail Exchanger

These options are presented in the Email Routing section of the MX Entry cPanel™ interface. A bried decription of each option appears in the cPanel™ interface. The description includes how the option will change the way the local system handles email for the domain being modified. This setting may be changed independently from the action of modifying a MX record.

Modifying the Email Routing for domain changes, or adds, an entry to the cPanel™ user file, normally in /var/cpanel/users.

Difference between the EasyApache interfaces in the browser and the command line.

The only difference is that the command line provides more flexible, powerful functionality.

For example, by running.

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache –build

You can skip the configuration steps and build Apache immediately.

For a full list of command line arguments, run

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache –help

Channel Bonding Interfaces

Channel Bonding Interfaces

Linux allows administrators to bind multiple network interfaces together into a single channel using the bonding kernel module and a special network interface called a channel bonding interface. Channel bonding enables two or more network interfaces to act as one, simultaneously increasing the bandwidth and providing redundancy.

To create a channel bonding interface, create a file in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory called ifcfg-bond[N], replacing [N] with the number for the interface, such as 0.

The contents of the file can be identical to whatever type of interface that is getting bonded, such as an Ethernet interface. The only difference is that the DEVICE= directive must be bond[N], replacing [N] with the number for the interface.

The following is a sample channel bonding configuration file:


For example, if channel bonding two Ethernet interfaces, both eth0 and eth1 may look like the following example:


In this example, replace [N] with the numerical value for the interface.