How to clone a Container in Parallels Containers for Linux

Issue a command in the following format:

vzmlocal -C {CT List}
{CT List} = [source_CTID]:[dst_CTID][:[[dstCT_private]][:[dstCT_root]]] [...]

You should specify the source Container ID ([source_CTID]) and the destination Container ID ([dst_CTID]).

Specifying the destination Container private area path ([dstCT_private]) and root path ([dstCT_root]) is optional allowing you to override the default paths - /vz/private/[dst_CTID] and /vz/root/[dst_CTID], respectively.

For example, to clone the Container with the Panel created during the previous procedure, run the following command:

# vzmlocal -C 444:445

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