Changing the proxy ports and addresses in Webmin

By default, Squid listens for proxy requests on TCP port 3128 on all of your system’s IP addresses. Because this is not the usual port that proxies are run on (8000 and 8080 seem to be the most common), you may want to change it. You might also want to edit the listening address so that only clients on your internal network can connect, if your system has more than one network interface.

To specify the ports that Squid uses, follow these steps :

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Ports and Networking icon.

2. In the Proxy addresses and ports table, select the Listed below option. In the table below, each row defines a listening port and optionally an address to bind to. Any existing ports and addresses will be listed, followed by a single blank row for adding a new one. In the first empty field in the Port column, enter a port number like 8000 or 8080. In the Hostname/IP address column, either select All to accept connections on any of your system’s interfaces, or the second option to enter an IP address in the adjacent text box. Using this table, Squid can be configured to listen on as many ports as you like. However, because only one blank row appears at a time you will need to save and re-open the form to add more than one new port.

3. ICP is a protocol used by Squid to communicate with other proxies in a cluster. To listen on a port other than the default of 3130 for ICP, fill in the ICP port field. This is not generally necessary though, as only other proxies ever use this protocol.

4. Squid will normally accept ICP connections on any IP address. To change this, select the second radio button in the Incoming UDP address field and enter one of your system’s interface IPs into its text field. This can be useful if all of the other proxies that your server might want to communicate with are on a single internal LAN.

5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the configuration file with your new settings, then click the Apply Changes link back on the main page to activate them.

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