Preparing Ubuntu System before Webmin Install.
You can install webmin for your server web interface to configure apache2,mysql,FTp servers and many more.
Preparing your system
First you need to install the following packages
sudo aptitude install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl
Now download the latest webmin using the following command or from
Cloudmin Installer Script
Supported Linux distributions are CentOS 5, Redhat Enterprise 5, Debian 4.0 and Ubuntu 8.04.
The CentOS or Redhat installer can be downloaded from:
Once you have it on the Linux system you want to run Cloudmin on, execute it with the commands
chmod +x
The install script should download and setup a Xen-capable kernel.
Cloudmin Introduction
It is a UI built on top of Webmin for managing virtual systems, such as Xen, KVM and OpenVZ instances. Using Cloudmin you can create, destroy, resize, startup, shutdown and restrict multiple instances using different virtualization technologies from a single interface. It also has a full command line API that can be used to manage virtual systems from a shell script or via HTTP requests.
Cloudmin is designed for use by VPS hosting companies that sell virtual systems to their customers, but is also suited for anyone who wants to get into virtualization for application management, testing, controlling a cluster of Virtualmin hosts, or just to learn about cloud computing.
MySQL Proxy Server
The MySQL Proxy is an application that communicates over the network using the MySQL Network Protocol and provides communication between one or more MySQL servers and one or more MySQL clients. In the most basic configuration, MySQL Proxy simply passes on queries from the client to the MySQL Server and returns the responses from the MySQL Server to the client.
To install, unpack the archive into the desired directory, and then modify your PATH environment variable so that you can use the mysql-proxy command directly:
# cd /usr/local
# tar zxf mysql-proxy-0.7.2-osx10.5.tar.gz
# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql-proxy-0.7.2-osx10.5-x86/sbin
If you want to update the path globally on a system, you may need administrator privileges to modify the appropriate /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, or other system configuration file.
Running Multiple MySQL Servers on Linux
The easiest way is to run multiple MySQL servers on Linux is to compile them with different TCP/IP ports and Unix socket files so that each one is listening on different network interfaces. Compiling in different base directories for each installation also results automatically in a separate, compiled-in data directory, log file, and PID file location for each server.
Assume that an existing 5.0.19 server is configured for the default TCP/IP port number (3306) and Unix socket file (/tmp/mysql.sock). To configure a new 5.5.4 server to have different operating parameters, use a configure command something like this:
# ./configure –with-tcp-port=port_number \
–with-unix-socket-path=file_name \
Here, port_number and file_name must be different from the default TCP/IP port number and Unix socket file path name, and the –prefix value should specify an installation directory different from the one under which the existing MySQL installation is located.