Archive for the tag 'Updating'

Updating or changing the version of PHP?

To update the PHP instance used by Apache, run


from the command line.

PHP used by Apache

To change the PHP version used by Apache, access EasyApache, either at Main >> Software >> EasyApache (Apache Update) in WHM, or


on the command line.

Updating Apache to the latest version in DirectAdmin

If you wish to update your 1.3 version of apache to the most recent, run the following:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build clean
./build update
./build apache_mod_ssl

If you’re using apache 2.x, use “./build apache_2″ isntead of apache_mod_ssl.

This should update both the configure options and the version of apache to the most recent version. Once the update has completed, you’ll need to restart apache:

You can check the current version of apache by running

httpd -v

Restart Apache.

/sbin/service httpd restart

Source :

updating Parallels Plesk Panel inside Parallels Virtuozzo Containers using EZ templates.

Install the vzaiproxy package on the hardware node. You can download this package from

Change line 16 in file /etc/init.d/vzlinkmgr to the following:


Change line 32 in file /usr/sbin/vzaiproxy to the following:

DefaultAgentCmd = (’vzctl’, ‘exec’, ‘1′, ‘/opt/vzagent/bin/vzlcon’)

Install all EZ templates from Parallels Plesk Panel distribution on the hardware node.
Run Parallels Plesk Panel installation or upgrade using Parallels Products Installer (either via the web-interface or command line interface) or Parallels Plesk Panel GUI (Home Page > Updates).

Follow the instructions presented on the screen to complete the upgrade.

Refer to Parallels Plesk


Updating DirectAdmin Manually

Updating DirectAdmin Manually

If you need to update your copy of DirectAdmin manually, you can do so by running the following commands:

cd /usr/local/directadmin
wget -O update.tar.gz\&lid=1234
tar xvzf update.tar.gz
./directadmin p
cd scripts
service directadmin restart

Where 123 and 1234 are your Client ID and License ID, respectively. Note that if you are running FreeBSD, you might need to add a \ before the ? character in the wget line. If there are errrors extracting the update.tar.gz file, then run:

head -n 1 update.tar.gz

to search for an error.

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