Archive for the tag 'updates'

How to manually Check for Package Updates

The following command prints a list of packages that need to be updated:

# yum check-update

To actually install these updates, run:

# yum update

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Virtualization Updates

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 now includes full support for the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor on x86_64 based architectures. KVM is integrated into the Linux kernel, providing a virtualization platform that takes advantage of the stability, features, and hardware support inherent in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Virtualization using the KVM hypervisor is supported on wide variety of guest operating systems, including:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008

Account Transfers cPanel 11.25.0 Release Feature Updates

For cPanel™ to cPanel™ transfers, the single and multiple account transfer interfaces in WHM now provide the ability to skip the home directory when packaging an account. This allows you to reduce the amount of time a transfer takes and choose a more efficient method to transfer the user’s home directory.

The cPanel™ version of the remote server is auto-detected for cPanel™-to-cPanel™ account transfers. The Remote Server Type menu in the transfer interface is updated to reflect this change.

When transferring a mixture of reseller and non-reseller accounts using the Multiple Account Transfer interface, the resellers will transer first. Prior cPanel™ versions would iterate through the users alphabetically.


SpamAssassin Rules Updates

SpamAssassin Rules Updates

This feature defines how you would like to update SpamAssassin rules.

Automatic — Automatically update SpamAssassin rules whenever /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp runs.

Manual Updates Only — Requires you to manually run /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp to update SpamAssassin rules.

NEVER Update — SpamAssassin rules do not update when /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp runs.

How to use a custom mirror for Parallels Updates Server

If you already have your Parallels Updates Server mirror setup.

Then on the hardware node, edit the file defining the repository URL.

The file for editing is /vz/template/[os]/[os-version]/[platform]/config/app/[app-template-name]/default/repositories.

For example:


Replace the Parallels Updates server URLs with the corresponding ones of your mirror and save the file.

Clean or re-fetch the packages metadata.

For Example

vzpkg clean

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