Archive for the tag 'tool'


qmHandle - a tool for the qmail queue

qmHandle - a tool for the qmail queue

qmHandle is a tool which can be used to manage the qmail message queue. It’s written in Perl (so fully customizable) and has more features than qmail-qread and qmail-qstat.

You can print queue statistics, like qmail-qstat, with color capabilities.
You can view a message in the queue.
You can remove one or more messages from the queue based on a criterion or use multiple delete requests each having its own criterion.

Download qmHandle from SourceForge. You actually only need the script ‘qmHandle’ Upload it to the server and untar it if necessary. You may download the file directly from SourceForge using the wget command:

Then decompress the file using the tar command.

tar -xvzf qmhandle-1.3.2.tar.gz

First it is recommended to shutdown qmail using the service command to prevent possible corruption of the mail queue.

service qmail stop

When you are done with qmhandle be sure to start it again using the service command:

service qmail start

Use -s to see some basic statistics.

qmHandle -s

Available parameters:

-a : try to send queued messages now (qmail must be running)
-l : list message queues
-L : list local message queue
-R : list remote message queue
-s : show some statistics
-mN : display message number N
-dN : delete message number N
-Stext : delete all messages that have/contain text as Subject
-D : delete all messages in the queue (local and remote)
-V : print program version

Additional (optional) parameters:

-c : display colored output
-N : list message numbers only

Reference :

Most popular archiving tool used in Unix and Linux is the tar command.

The tar command was originally used to write files to a tape device for archiving. However, it can also write the output to a file, which has become a popular way to archive data in Linux.

-c –create create a new archive
-d –diff, –compare find differences between archive and file system
–delete delete from the archive (not for use on mag tapes!)
-r –append append files to the end of an archive
-t –list list the contents of an archive
-u –update only append files that are newer than copy in archive
-x –extract, –get extract files from an archive

tar command is a simple way to create archive files of entire directory structures. This is a common method for distributing source code files for open source applications in the Linux world.

vzpkg - tool for managing Virtuozzo templates

Virtuozzo EZ Template Management tool. Handles Virtuozzo templates and standalone RPM packages.


Install application template(s) or package(s) into a container CT ID|CT NAME. Multiple objects can be specified.


To install mysql and php application EZ template into this CT:

vzpkg install 1000 mysql php




The DiskSanitizer tool

East-Tec DiskSanitizer for Linux

East-Tec DiskSanitizer for Linux is designed to prevent the recovery of sensitive data that you wish to be deleted from a hard disk. Neither simple file deletion, formatting the disk, nor using fdisk is enough to foil attempts to recover previously recorded data from a hard disk. East-Tec DiskSanitizer overwrites every sector of data on a disk to remove all traces of data. Data is removed according with U.S. Department of Defense standards or custom user security levels. East-Tec DiskSanitizer can be operated from a floppy disk to sanitize any drive from the computer, regardless of the file system or the operating system. It also features verification capabilities and full user control during the sanitizing process.

The program can now sanitize independent partitions on your hard drive without affecting other partitions.

To retire servers with sensitive data, it is important to ensure that data cannot be recovered from the hard disks. To ensure that all traces of data are removed, the DiskSanitizer tool can be used. This tool can be operated from a floppy disk and it removes data according with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) standards.

DiskSanitizer is available at


Nikto- web server assessment tool

Nikto web server assessment tool

nikto - web server security scanner

Nikto is a web server assessment tool. It is designed to find various default and insecure files, configurations and programs on any type of web server.


Any system which supports a basic PERL installation should allow Nikto to run. It has been extensively tested on. For SSL support the Net::SSLeay PERL module must be installed (which in turn requires OpenSSL on the Unix platform).

The nmap scanner can also be used, if desired. In some cases using nmap will slow down Nikto execution, as it must call an external program. For scanning many ports across one or more servers, using nmap will be faster than using Nikto’s internal PERL scanning.

ActiveState Perl:


Unpack the download file:

tar -xvfz nikto-current.tar.gz

Basic Testing

The most basic Nikto scan requires simply a host to target, since port 80 is assumed if none is specified. The host can either be an IP or a hostname of a machine, and is specified using the -h (-host) option. This will scan the IP on TCP port 80:

perl -h

To check on a different port, specify the port number with the -p (-port) option. This will scan the IP on TCP port 443:

perl -h -p 443

Hosts, ports and protocols may also be specified by using a full URL syntax, and it will be scanned:

perl -h

There is no need to specify that port 443 may be SSL, as Nikto will first test regular HTTP and if that fails, HTTPS. If you are sure it is an SSL server, specifying -s (-ssl) will speed up the test.

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