Archive for the tag 'System'

How can I get access to a Windows file system

By default, Linux supports direct read/write access to FAT16 and FAT32 file system that Microsoft Windows uses, but not to an NTFS file system.

To access an NTFS file system on Linux.

Install a third party software named kernel-module-ntfs. We can get the rpm package from

The kernel-ntfs kernel module will be load automatically by default when server reboot next time. Then you can mount your ntfs file system manually. We can load the kernel module by modprobe and use lsmod to confirm it’s installed

modprobe kernel-ntfs
lsmod | grep ntfs

Install a third party software named ntfs-3g and fuse.

Please access to get ntfs-3g and fuse.

NTFS-3G is a stable, read/write NTFS driver for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris, QNX, Haiku, and other operating systems. It provides safe handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 NTFS file systems.

After successfully install, you can run command such as:

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt

fsck - check and repair a Linux file system

fsck - check and repair a Linux file system

fsck is used to check and optionally repair one or more Linux file systems. filesys can be a device name (e.g. /dev/hdc1, /dev/sdb2), a mount point (e.g. /, /usr, /home), or an ext2 label or UUID specifier (e.g. UUID=8868abf6-88c5-4a83-98b8-bfc24057f7bd or LABEL=root). Normally, the fsck program will try to handle filesystems on different physical disk drives in parallel to reduce the total amount of time needed to check all of the filesystems.

If no filesystems are specified on the command line, and the -A option is not specified, fsck will default to checking filesystems in /etc/fstab serially.

This is equivalent to the -As options.

The exit code returned by fsck is the sum of the following conditions:

0 - No errors
1 - File system errors corrected
2 - System should be rebooted
4 - File system errors left uncorrected
8 - Operational error
16 - Usage or syntax error
32 - Fsck canceled by user request
128 - Shared library error

The exit code returned when multiple file systems are checked is the bit-wise OR of the exit codes for each file system that is checked.

How to determine system log settings for a Linux server?

Usually the /var/log/messages file is used for the regular system messages.

It is possible to find which place is used by a Linux system for logging from the /etc/syslog.conf or /etc/rsyslog.conf configuration files:

#cat /etc/syslog.conf


#cat /etc/rsyslog.conf

Preparing Ubuntu System before Webmin Install.

You can install webmin for your server web interface to configure apache2,mysql,FTp servers and many more.

Preparing your system

First you need to install the following packages

sudo aptitude install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl

Now download the latest webmin using the following command or from

Set up yum to get updates for RHEL5 system

To use the Red Hat repositories, make sure that you have installed the following package:


and that you have registered your system against RHN:

# rhn_register

if you use a proxy, remember to specify it in the network configuration part of the assistant.

To manually set the proxy, fill /etc/sysconfig/up2date :


If the proxy requires authentication, also set these values :


All yum options are detailed in:

# man yum.conf

To check that your machine is registered, run:

# yum update

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