Archive for the tag 'System'

Localization cPanel™ 11.25 new localization system

cPanel™ 11.25 comes with a new localization system: Cpanel::Locale. This new system simplifies the translation and localization of cPanel, WHM, themes and command line applications. Cpanel::Locale is backwards-compatible with existing translation methods and language files.

Cpanel::Locale uses an XML format for inetroperability. Two new interfaces in WHM make provision for importing and exporting a locale using XML.

Languages are now identified in the system by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code. Territory-specific languages are indicated by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code, followed by an underscore, then the two-letter ISO 3166 [] code. See Example 7, “ISO 639 + 3166 Example”


Files Involved in Legacy System

Files Involved in Legacy System

English language and the x3 theme.

The Legacy System

Root-specific files:

/usr/local/cpanel/lang/english — The base file
/usr/local/cpanel/lang/english.local — The local file

Theme-specific files:

/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/lang/english — The base file
/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/lang/english.local — The local file

The Locale System

Root-specific files:

/usr/local/cpanel/locale/en.yaml — The base file
/var/cpanel/locale.local/en.yaml — The local file

Theme-specific files:

/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/locale/en.yaml — The base file
/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/locale/en.yaml.local — The local file

Note: If you want to add or modify the value of a key, you should always modify the local file. Otherwise, your changes will eventually disappear.

Any editing with user interfaces in WHM and cPanel will edit the local files.


Parallels Plesk Panel 10 - System Requirements

Before upgrade, run the Environment Pre-Check Script to insure that the environment and system components are ready to upgrade to Plesk 10.

Hardware Requirements:

Parallels Plesk Panel 10 for Linux
266 MHz Processor
512 MB of RAM (1 GB when hosting many accounts; 768MB minimum when also using SiteBuilder)
10 GB Hard Disk


The number of Parallels Virtuozzo containers with Plesk 10 can cost-effectively grow with more RAM on the Server. We recommend adding RAM.
PHP 5 is required for the brand new SiteBuilder.
Fedora has been discontinued as a supported Operating System for Plesk 10.

Supported Linux Operating Systems

* CentOS 5.x, 4.x (version 5.5 recommended)
* CentOS 5.x for AMD64 (version 5.5 recommended)
* RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.x,4x (version 5.5 recommended)
* RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.x for AMD64 (version 5.5 recommended)
* Ubuntu 10.04, 8.04 LTS
* Ubuntu 10.04 for AMD 64 (also 8.04 LTS)
* openSUSE 11.1, 11.0, 10.3
* openSUSE 11.1 for AMD64 (also 11.0, 10.3)
* Debian GNU/Linux 5.0, 4.0
* Debian GNU/Linux 5 for AMD 64 (also 4.0)
* CloudLinux 5
* CloudLinux 5 for AMD64

Using RPM Verify to Monitor Changes to System Files

It is important for administrators of critical server systems to be able to track changes to files on their systems. Tracking file changes helps detect accidental or malicious modifications such as viruses, root kits, or hacking activity. RPM, the package management system used for all RPM based Linux distributions, provides an easy mechanism for tracking these changes. When a package is installed, the RPM database stores information about each file belonging to that package including the size, date, and MD5 sum among others. This data can later be compared to the existing files on the system to detect any changes.

Verifications are performed with the rpm command and the -V flag. This command should be executed as root so that all file attributes can be read from the system without file permissions getting in the way. For example:

To verify all files in the RPM database:

# rpm -Va

To verify all files belonging to a package, packagename:

# rpm -V packagename

To verify all files belonging a particular RPM file (local, FTP, HTTP):

# rpm -V path_to_the_file.rpm

All applicable files are checked, and any discrepancies are shown. The output is a string of eight characters, followed by an optional attribute marker. The string of eight characters indicates changes in size, permissions, MD5 sum, etc.

S file Size differs
M Mode differs (includes permissions and file type)
5 MD5 sum differs
D Device major/minor number mis-match
L readLink(2) path mis-match
U User ownership differs
G Group ownership differs
T mTime differs

For example:

S.5….T c /etc/wvdial.conf

This example shows that the configuration file, /etc/wvdial.conf, has a different size, MD5 sum, and modified time than the RPM database has on record. In this case, this is probably okay–it is a configuration file and it is normal for them to change.


Flushing DNS Cache on your system

Flushing DNS Cache on your system.

When your computer visits a website for the first time, it stores the website’s DNS information in a local cache.

The instructions unique to particular operating systems are below.

From the command line on a windows operating system type:

ipconfig /flushdns

From a Linux operating system.

/etc/init.d/nscd restart

Nscd is a daemon that provides a cache for the most common name service requests

From MAC on the terminal window

dscacheutil -flushcache

Directory Service (DNS) cache - Gather information, statistics, initiate queries, flush the cache. dscacheutil replaces most of the functionality of thelookupd tool provided prior to OS X Leopard.

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