Archive for the tag 'Struture'


Struture of IPv6

Struture of IPv6

The basic structure of IPv6

128 bits as the total
48 bits prefix to the site
16 bits for the subnets in the site
64 bits for host part

Also the stucture of IPv6 from left to right

3 bits: 001 (10% of the total address space reserved)
next 13 bits for the TLA ( Top Level Aggregator)
8 bits reserved
24 bits for the NLAs (Next level Aggregator)
16 bits for the site subnets = 65536 subnets
64 bits for the interface identifier
Total = 128 bits.

Address format of IPv6

Address Format is as follows. It is 128 bit ip address represented in Hexa decimal notation. An example is given below


this can be also represented as


When there are two consecutive zeros this can be represented also as


In browser you can access the site using ip. This can be done by putting square brackets as show below


Also if you want to access a particular port give like this
