Archive for the tag 'Software'

Install Parallels Plesk Panel software on a server

Download the latest version of Parallels Products Installer that suits your operating system from and save it on your server’s hard drive.

Change your working directory to the directory where the downloaded Parallels Products Installer is located.

Set the execution permission for Parallels Products Installer:

# chmod +x parallels_products_installer_file_name

Run the following command in console:

#export LANG=C
#export LANG_ALL=C

Run Parallels Products Installer:

To install Parallels Plesk Panel through the web interface of Parallels Products Installer, run the following command:

# ./parallels_products_installer_file_name –web-interface

Open your browser and enter https://hostname:8447/ or https://IP-address:8447/ in the address bar. The Parallels Product Installer web interface will open. Log in as root.

To install Parallels Plesk Panel through the command line interface of Parallels Products Installer, run the following command:

# ./parallels_products_installer_file_name

Source :

Removing Unnecessary Software Packages (RPMs)

It is a good practice not to have development packages, desktop software packages (e.g. X Server) etc. installed on production servers. Other packages like FTP and Telnet daemons should not be installed as well unless there is a justified business reason for it (SSH/SCP/SFTP should be used instead).

One of the first action items should be to create a Linux image that only contains RPMs needed by the applications, and needed for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes.

A good approach is to start with a minimum list of RPMs and then add packages as needed. It may be time-consuming but worth the efforts.

To get a list of all installed RPMs you can use the following command:

rpm -qa

If you want to know more about a particular RPM, run:

rpm -qi [package_name]

To check for and report potential conflicts and dependencies for deleting a RPM, run:

rpm -e –test [package_name]

A very important step in securing a Linux system is to determine the primary function or role of the Linux server.

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