Archive for the tag 'server'


How to Disable IPv6 in Apache Server

How to Disable IPv6 in Apache Server

If there is no reason to run Apache with IPv6 then disabling it is wasy. We need to make quick changes to the Listen directive.

By default, Apache will listen on all IPs, both IPv6 and IPv4. (Assuming your system has IPv6 support). This is controlled by the Listen directive:

Listen 80

Turn off IPv6 in Apache

To turn off IPv6 in Apache, just change the Listen directive to:


This will limit Apache to listening only to IPv4 connections. We can repeat this for port 443 if you want to stop Apache from listening for HTTPS on IPv6.

POP3 is not authorizing to login in cPanel server

The problem is xinted had two services popa3d and popa3ds, which were interfering with cpanel secure ports as well cpanel’s pop3 service.

To resolve this issue:

Remove popa3d and popa3ds from /etc/xinetd.d folder

$ mv /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d.bak
$ mv /etc/xinetd.d/popa3ds /etc/xinetd.d/popa3ds.bak

Restarted xinetd service

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Re-install using /scripts/courierup –force

/scripts/courierup –force

How can I setup secondary DNS server

How can I setup secondary DNS server.

1. You can use two of the IP’s assiged to your server.

2. You can setup an additional linux based server and install the free, “DNS Only” version of cPanel.

Latest Installer for DNSONLY servers.

This script can also be downloaded as

Quick way to add more SWAP space on your server

To check the swap space used you can use “free -m“.

If for some reason you have a server with too little SWAP then there is a quick way to create a swap file and then use it for additional swap space on the server.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/opt/swapfile bs=1024 count=2048000
mkswap /opt/swapfile
swapon /opt/swapfile
swapon -s

And then we need to add the following to the /etc/fstab.

/opt/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0

Delivering mail to local mail server if your DNS is hosted on remote Cpanel VSP

Login to WHM and go to “DNS Functions” and select “Edit a DNS Zone”

Select the zone to edit and then select the “Edit” button.

Once the next screen appears scroll down to the “Record Type” MX and change the value to 14400 IN MX 0

Change the “Record Type” to “A” for mail and add the IP address of your local mailserver in the box to the right of the “CNAME” record type.

mail 14400 IN A

Now DNS server will instruct mail servers on the internet to deliver mail to your local mail server.

Edit the file /etc/localdomains and remove the domain name for which you want email delivered locally.

Edit the file /etc/remotedomains and add the domain name which we removed from /etc/localdomains

Now local (cpanel) mail server (Exim) will route all email originating from the local server to the remote mail server.

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