Archive for the tag 'Scripts'


WHM Scripts

WHM Scripts

When cPanel and WHM is installed, a number of predefined scripts become available in your server’s /scripts directory.

For example, if you wanted to run the update script, you would type:


#easyapache — Upgrades and reinstalls Apache.
#phpextensionmgr — Manages PHP extensions.
# restartsrv_* — Restarts a service.
# *up — Updates a service.

* bandminup — Bandmin application.
* courierup — Courier mail server.
* cpaddonsup — cPanel’s addon scripts.
* dovecotup — Dovecot mail server.
* eximup — Exim mail exchanger.
* ftpup — FTP servers (ProFTP and Pure-FTP).
* imapup — IMAP mail server.
* mysqlup —MySQL service.
* nsdup — BIND nameserver.
* phpup — Current version of PHP.
* suphpup — SuPHP tool for handling PHP requests.

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