Archive for the tag 'Safe'


PHP Safe Mode in Cpanel

PHP Safe Mode

If you are running a version of PHP older than 3.5.0, and you cannot enable safe mode, this page provides a couple of alternative measures you can take to better secure your PHP configuration.

In some cases, you may be able to use safe mode with a group ID (GID) check rather than a user ID (UID) check. This can be useful if, for example, you have multiple users deploying PHP scripts. To enable safe mode’s group ID check, change the following parameter:

safe_mode_gid = On

You also may wish to limit directories that can contain include files or executables. To do so, you can specify 1 or both of the following parameters:

safe_mode_include_dir = /path/to/include/directory
safe_mode_exec_dir = /path/to/executable/directory