Archive for the tag 'RubyGems'


Updating RubyGems

Updating RubyGems

You will have to manually update any RubyGems that is installed.



WHM will install only required modules.

It will update these modules when /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp runs.

Ruby on Rails and rubygems install on CentOS

Ruby on Rails install on CentOS

Once you have the development tools package installed. You can go ahead and install Ruby on Rails. The main ruby packages and dependencies will be installed using the ‘yum’ package manager, but rubygems will be installed from source. Rubygems is not readily available through the repositories in yum.

Install ruby.

Main Ruby on Rails packages can be installed using the below method.

sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel ruby-irb ruby-rdoc ruby-ri

Once done, we can have a look at the Ruby version.

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.8dev (2010-02-11) [i686-linux]

Installing rubygems for Rails installation.

Download from:


Now unpack it and move into the newly created folder.

Now we can go through the simple process of compiling it:

sudo ruby setup.rb

Once done, we can check the gem version with a:

$ gem -v

NOTE: is now the default source for downloading gems.

* `gem` commands
* `gem install` and `gem fetch` now report alternate platforms when a matching one couldn’t be found.

From time to time the RubyGems repository will be unavailable. If at any point during installation process the RubyGems repository becomes unavailable, you will need to re-run


Since Ruby on Rails uses its own web server, it has to run this web server on an alternate port. This causes an issue if you are running a firewall on your system. You will need to ensure that ports 12001 and up are open. We recommend making the max number of the open ports 12001 plus whatever the number of Ruby applications you expect to be running will be.