Jun 18th, 2009
Round Cube Installation
Round Cube Installation
Remove the previous traces of Roundcube in the server.
rm -rf roundcube*
mysql>drop database roundcube;
Before starting the installation, you need to know the root password of Mysql
wget http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/roundcubemail/roundcubemail-0.1beta2.1.tar.gz
tar -zxvf roundcubemail-0.1beta2.1.tar.gz
mv -f roundcubemail-0.1beta2 roundcube
cd roundcube
chmod -R 777 temp
chmod -R 777 logs
Create the database. Find mysql root password from /root/.my.cnf.
Login as user, root.
mysql>CREATE DATABASE roundcube;
mysql>use roundcube;
mysql>source SQL/mysql.initial.sql;
Add the configuration:
mv db.inc.php.dist db.inc.php
mv main.inc.php.dist main.inc.php
Edit the configuration files
using your text editor edit db.inc.php
$rcmail_config[’db_dsnw’] = ‘mysql://roundcube:pass@localhost/roundcubemail’;
Replace with:
$rcmail_config[’db_dsnw’] = ‘mysql://root:rootpass@localhost/roundcube’;
#vi main.inc.php
Replace the corresponding root password
$rcmail_config[’default_host’] = ”;
Replace with:
$rcmail_config[’default_host’] = ‘localhost’;
Configure cPanel to show roundcube in the theme. X theme(default) only!!
cp roundcube_logo.png /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x/images/roundcube_logo.png
cp roundcube_logo.png /usr/local/cpanel/base/webmail/x/images/roundcube_logo.png
wget http://www.yourserverguide.com/Files/HGpatch-roundcube-1.0BETA2.1
patch -p0 < HGpatch-roundcube-1.0BETA2.1
If you receive a message stating: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? Please press N for No as this is because you previously installed roundcube
This will auto do all the necessary changes to roundcube and the X theme. Once the patch is executed you may now access roundcube via http://yourdomain/webmail