Archive for the tag 'quota'

What is the difference between Domain disk space and Hard disk quota?

Domain disk space - a calculation of everything the domain uses disk space for i.e. web, mail, databases, etc.
Hard disk quota - a calculation of disk space used by a domains ftp user account i.e. web files.

Domain disk space
This is how much disk space is used by the entire domain. It is made up of Plesk statistics and includes the amount of disk space taken by web pages, mail accounts, databases and other domain data including options specified in the statistic settings on Server -> Server preferences page in the Plesk CP.

Hard disk quota
Is a file system feature that limits how much disk space can be taken by the files which are owned by a specific system account (either domain FTP user or webuser or subdomain FTP user).

This file system quota cannot be exceeded. If the limit is reached, the system user will not be able to create new files and will receive the error “no more space left on device”.

Reference :

Enabling User/Group Quota for virtual private server that already exists.

If the virtual private server already exists, run the following command to set the parameter:

vzctl set 101 –quotaugidlimit 150 –save

Where, 101 is the VPS ID number.

Restart the virtual private server.

Enabling User/Group Quota on a Virtual Private Server (VPS)

To enable user/group quota on a virtual private server:

Edit the configuration file to set the parameter QUOTAUGIDLIMIT that controls the second-level disk quota. The two instances when you can set the parameter is:

If you are setting the parameter before the creation of the virtual private server:

Go to the location of the virtual private server configuration file. /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts

To enable disk quota set the value of QUOTAUGIDLIMIT to a positive value, in the configuration file. For example: QUOTAUGIDLIMIT=”150″

The default value of the parameter is zero. Setting the value of the parameter to zero disables user/group quotas.

Note: Ensure that you use this configuration file when creating the virtual private server.


Disk Quota Problems with Parallels Pro Control Panel

dmesg and /var/log/messages show the following messages.

kernel: VFS: Can’t read quota structure for id 32048.
kernel: VFS: Quota for id 32049 referenced but not present.

This can happen due to a server crash when the filesystems are not unmounted properly, causing the filesystem and quota information to go out of sync.

To fix this run the following commands:

quotaoff -a
quotacheck -agmi
quotacheck -aumi
quotaon -a

quotacheck Scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and repair quota files


How to Fix cPanel/WHM Quotas

To Fix Common reasons for quota problems

Run the following command as root user.


Try finding other files owned by the user.

find -user username > /tmp/username.txt

This will list all files owned by this user that could be affecting the quota reported by Cpanel.

Cpanel/WHM sometimes has problems with the user quota files causing all users accounts to have unlimited disk space available or 0 megs of disk space in use.