Archive for the tag 'program'


The resize2fs program

# resize2fs -h
resize2fs 1.42 (29-Nov-2011)
Usage: resize2fs [-d debug_flags] [-f] [-F] [-M] [-P] [-p] device [new_size]


The resize2fs program will resize ext2, ext3, or ext4 file systems. It can be used to enlarge or shrink an unmounted file system located on device. If the filesystem is mounted, it can be used to expand the size of the mounted filesystem, assuming the kernel supports on-line resizing. (As of this writing, the Linux 2.6 kernel supports on-line resize for filesystems mounted using ext3 and ext4.).

The resize2fs program does not manipulate the size of partitions. If you wish to enlarge a filesystem, you must make sure you can expand the size of the underlying partition first. This can be done using fdisk(8) by deleting the partition and recreating it with a larger size or using lvextend(8), if you’re using the logical volume manager lvm(8).

When recreating the partition, make sure you create it with the same starting disk cylinder as before! Otherwise, the resize operation will certainly not work, and you may lose your entire filesystem. After running fdisk(8), run resize2fs to resize the ext2 filesystem to use all of the space in the newly enlarged partition.

If you wish to shrink an ext2 partition, first use resize2fs to shrink the size of filesystem. Then you may use fdisk(8) to shrink the size of the partition. When shrinking the size of the partition, make sure you do not make it smaller than the new size of the ext2 filesystem!

mysqldump - a database backup program

The mysqldump client is a backup program originally written by Igor Romanenko. It can be used to dump a database or a collection of databases for backup or transfer to another SQL server (not necessarily a MySQL server).

If you are doing a backup on the server and your tables all are MyISAM tables, consider using the mysqlhotcopy instead because it can accomplish faster backups and faster restores. See mysqlhotcopy(1).

There are three general ways to invoke mysqldump:

shell> mysqldump [options] db_name [tables]
shell> mysqldump [options] –databases db_name1 [db_name2 db_name3...]
shell> mysqldump [options] –all-databases

If you do not name any tables following db_name or if you use the –databases or –all-databases option, entire databases are dumped.

Uisng quotacheck program in DirectAdmin

DirectAdmin relies on the system quotas to return a value for how much space is being used.

DirectAdmin will run

/usr/sbin/repquota /home

If the “used” column is not showing anything, or users are not in the list, then you’ll need to run the quotacheck program:


/sbin/quotaoff -a; /sbin/quotacheck -avugm; /sbin/quotaon -a;


/usr/sbin/quotaoff -a; /sbin/quotacheck -avug; /usr/sbin/quotaon -a;

If are getting errors and no output is displayed for the repquota command, you’ll need to check your /etc/fstab file to make sure that it contains the rw,userquota,groupquota line beside the partition that is using the quotas.

Important: On Linux (Redhat/Debian), it’s usrquota,grpquota, and on FreeBSD it’s userquota,groupquota.

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