Plesk Retrieve keys - open or save ‘key_update.php’
The plesk license key can be retrieved via plesk control panel
Plesk >> Server >> License Management >> Retrieve keys
Sometimes, when you click on “Retrieve keys”, you will get a download prompt to open or save the ‘key_update.php’ file.
1.Check the log file /usr/local/psa/admin/logs/httpsd_error_log
If you get the error “xmlrpc_client.c:675: assertion failed”,
2. Restart Plesk Control Panel to perform correct startup configuration.
# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpsdctl stop
# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpsdctl start
# /etc/init.d/psa stop
# /etc/init.d/psa start
Domain creation error in Plesk
When you create a new domain via the Plesk control Panel, sometimes you may receive the following error.
Failed domain creation: Unable to update domain data: Failed mail post-configuration: Can’t create mail domain servie: mailManager->addDomain() failed: mailmng failed: MEAOPO.PostOffice ———————- Debug Info ——————————- 0: c:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\htdocs\domains\create_domain.php:146
This means that there is some issue with the mail server configuration and that has to be repaired.
Run the following command.
cd %plesk_bin%
mchk.exe –all
After executing the above command, check if you are able to create a new domain. If you receive any error again, then run the following command.
The above command will forcefully reset the domain and server wide configuration settings according to the Plesk Database.
Note that the custom settings will be lost after executing this command.
Accessing web_users
By default in Plesk, we can only access the web users using Do the following steps to access the web users using the URL
1. Add the following entry in the /var/www/vhosts/ file of the domain:
Alias /webuser /var/www/vhosts/
2. Now reconfigure the domain using websrvmng:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/websrvmng –reconfigure-vhost –vhost-name=
“Please Wait Loading…” pop-up is being shown continuously while login to plesk
In order to fix this issue disable magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase in the Plesk control panel PHP configuration file “/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/php.ini”.
These options have to be Off by default:
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
Switch them off and restart Plesk CP.
Increase Courier-IMAP Limits in Plesk
Plesk is configured with the following limitations for Courier-IMAP.
1. A single IP address can establish 4 connections simultaneously.
2. IMAP connections are not established more than 40 connections.
You can increase Courier-IMAP e-mail server limits by editing the file - ‘/etc/courier-imap/imapd’.
1. Open the file - /etc/courier-imap/imapd
vi /etc/courier-imap/imapd
2. Navigate the line “MAXPERIP”. You can find the value as 4.
3. Change this value as per your wish and save the file
4. Navigate the line “MAXDAEMONS” and change its value to 80
5. Save the file
6. Restart Plesk service
/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa restart