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Setting Up and Starting Watchdog Services in Plesk

To configure Watchdog settings common for all services:

Click the Modules shortcut in the navigation panel > Watchdog. A list of Parallels Plesk Panel services will be displayed.
Click the Preferences icon in the Tools group.

Monitor all services started by administrator. Leave this option selected if you wish the module to monitor all the Parallels Plesk Panel services that you start. If you install a new system service later on, the module will automatically start looking after it. Deselect this check box, if you are going to shut down some of the Parallels Plesk Panel services and you do not want the module to bring them up automatically or bother you with any alert messages.
Polling interval. Specify the interval between service status queries in seconds.

Store resource usage statistics. Leave this option selected if you wish the system to keep reports on CPU and RAM usage for the amount of time you specify.
Repeat security scanning. Specify how often Watchdog should scan the server for malicious code.

Send reports. Specify how often Watchdog should send you consolidated reports on CPU and RAM load, monitored services, disk space partitions and security scanning results.
Send e-mail to. Specify the e-mail address where Watchdog should deliver alerts and reports. By default, the Parallels Plesk Panel administrator’s e-mail address is used.

Send e-mail from. E-mail address on behalf of which the reports and alerts should be sent. By default, this e-mail address is watchdog@your-host-name.

Finally Click Apply to submit the settings.



The Plesk Watchdog Module

The Watchdog can scan the server file system for rootkits, backdoors, exploits, trojan horses and other malicious software on demand or on schedule. It can notify you by e-mail of scanning results and show reports through the control panel. It updates its security knowledge base through the Internet before each scan.

The Watchdog module is a solution that ensures that your server is clean from malware, all services are up and running and there is enough free disk space on the server.

Watchdog can monitor the following services:

* Web server providing the control panel interface
* Web server providing WWW service to users’ sites
* SMTP Server (QMail)
* IMAP/POP3 Server (Courier-IMAP)
* DNS Server (BIND)
* Tomcat
* ColdFusion
* PostgreSQL
* SpamAssassin
* Dr.Web antivirus

It can start, stop, and restart the services it monitors, and it can be configured to take actions depending on the stability of a service over some time period. It can start, stop, and restart the services it monitors, and it can be configured to take actions depending on the stability of a service over some time period.

It can run other utilities and notify you when disk space usage has reached the limits you defined.



Plesk Command Line Utilities

Plesk Command Line Utilities

Command line utilities for Plesk for Linux/Unix are located in the /usr/local/psa/bin directory on the Plesk server.

To run command line utilities:

Log in to the Plesk server via SSH.

Use one of the following options to run a utility:

To run a utility from any directory, use the following command line format:

# /usr/local/psa/bin/[utility name] [parameters] [options]

To run a utility when the /usr/local/psa/bin/ is your current directory, use the following format:

# ./[utility name] [parameters] [options]

Upon successful execution, utilities return the 0 code. If an error occurs, utilities return code 1 and display the description of the encountered problem on stderr.


To make a domain secure Web content available in Plesk

After migration, secure Web content (available via the https protocol) become unavailable. The reason is that in Parallels Plesk Panel, secure Web content can be stored either in a directory different from the directory with common Web content (default option), or in the same directory.

To make a domain secure Web content available, enable the Use a single directory for housing SSL and non-SSL content option.

Go to the domain Home page > Web site: Web Hosting Settings > Preferences: Use a single directory for housing SSL and non-SSL content checkbox.

Download a distribution that suits your operating system from the URL and save it on your server’s hard drive.

To install Parallels Plesk Panel on a number of servers, you may want to set up a mirror of the official Parallels Plesk Panel update server ( inside your network so as not to download the distribution files through the Internet each time, and then install Parallels Plesk Panel.

If you have Parallels Plesk Panel installed on the server, you can use the parallels_installer binary file, which is stored in the directory /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/ on RPM-based Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS systems, and /opt/psa/admin/bin/ on deb-based Linux systems.

Prepare the installation script based on the example below. Replace the options in the example script with the ones you prepared, and specify server names in the ‘SERVERS_LIST=’ string separated by white spaces:

for current_server in $SERVERS_LIST; do
scp parallels_installer root@current_server:
ssh -f root@current_server “parallels_installer –source-type network –source –target /tmp/plesk –select-release-id PLESK_9_0_0 –install-component base –install-component postgresql –install-component asp –notify-email”

Run the script. It will copy the Parallels Products Installer to the specified servers and install Parallels Plesk Panel. Keep the passwords for access to the servers at hand, as you may be required to specify them.

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