Archive for the tag 'plesk'

Plesk - how do I enable remote access to MySQL database server?

Sometimes you need to provide the remote access.

Open /etc/my.cnf and make sure that the following lines exists/commented in [mysqld] section:

port = 3306
bind-address =
# skip-networking

Restart MySQL. Now you should grant access to remote IP address, login to Mysql:

# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql

For example if you want to allow access to database called ‘foo’ for user ‘bar’ and remote IP then you need to type following commands at “mysql>” prompt:

mysql> REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON foo.* FROM bar@’′;


Parallels Plesk Panel Server backup repository

Server backup repository location.

As of Parallels Plesk Panel version 9.0, the structure and location of the server backup repository have both changed.
The root backup directory is now stored in the file /etc/psa/psa.conf, while it is still set by the variable DUMP_D as before:

Backups directory

DUMP_D /var/lib/psa/dumps

Server backups, backups of resellers, clients, domains, and daily MySQL dumps are now stored in this directory.

How to verify Apache web server status - Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux/Unix.

The name of Apache 2 binary on Debian and SuSE OSes is “apache2,” not “httpd” as it is on Red Hat-based Linux distributions or FreeBSD.

# ps ax | grep httpd | grep -v grep

If not, try to start Apache from Plesk CP or via command line. If you get an error, check /var/log/httpd/error_log (/var/log/apache2/error_log on SuSE and Debian, /usr/local/psa/apache/logs/error_log on FreeBSD)

Make sure that Apache is listening on the both HTTP and HTTPS ports (80/443) on all needed IP addresses:

# netstat -l | grep http
tcp 0 0 *:http *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:https *:* LISTEN

How to enable Apache graceful restart in Plesk


Parallels Plesk Panel 11.0 for Linux
Parallels Plesk Panel 10.4 for Linux/Unix
Parallels Plesk Panel 10.3 for Linux/Unix

By default, Parallels Plesk Panel does not use Apache graceful restart for applying new settings.


To enable graceful restart, you should add the parameter “restart_apache_gracefully” with a “true” value to the “misc” table of the “psa” database. It can be done by the following SQL query:

mysql> INSERT INTO misc VALUES (’restart_apache_gracefully’, ‘true’);

How to enable Apache graceful restart in Plesk


Parallels Plesk Panel 11.0 for Linux
Parallels Plesk Panel 10.4 for Linux/Unix
Parallels Plesk Panel 10.3 for Linux/Unix

By default, Parallels Plesk Panel does not use Apache graceful restart for applying new settings.

To enable graceful restart, you should add the parameter “restart_apache_gracefully” with a “true” value to the “misc” table of the “psa” database. It can be done by the following SQL query:

mysql> INSERT INTO misc VALUES (’restart_apache_gracefully’, ‘true’);

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