Archive for the tag 'Numerous'

Download a distribution that suits your operating system from the URL and save it on your server’s hard drive.

To install Parallels Plesk Panel on a number of servers, you may want to set up a mirror of the official Parallels Plesk Panel update server ( inside your network so as not to download the distribution files through the Internet each time, and then install Parallels Plesk Panel.

If you have Parallels Plesk Panel installed on the server, you can use the parallels_installer binary file, which is stored in the directory /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/ on RPM-based Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS systems, and /opt/psa/admin/bin/ on deb-based Linux systems.

Prepare the installation script based on the example below. Replace the options in the example script with the ones you prepared, and specify server names in the ‘SERVERS_LIST=’ string separated by white spaces:

for current_server in $SERVERS_LIST; do
scp parallels_installer root@current_server:
ssh -f root@current_server “parallels_installer –source-type network –source –target /tmp/plesk –select-release-id PLESK_9_0_0 –install-component base –install-component postgresql –install-component asp –notify-email”

Run the script. It will copy the Parallels Products Installer to the specified servers and install Parallels Plesk Panel. Keep the passwords for access to the servers at hand, as you may be required to specify them.

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