Archive for the tag 'NTP'

How to Speed up NTP initial synchronization

Open the NT P configuration file /etc/ntp.conf in a text editor such as vi or nano, or create a new one if it does not already exist:

# nano /etc/ntp.conf

To speed the initial synchronization up, add the iburst directive at the end of each server line:

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

Time Synchronisation with NTP

Time Synchronisation with NTP

NTP is a TCP/IP protocol for synchronising time over a network. Basically a client requests the current time from a server, and uses it to set its own clock.

Behind this simple description, there is a lot of complexity - there are tiers of NTP servers, with the tier one NTP servers connected to atomic clocks (often via GPS), and tier two and three servers spreading the load of actually handling requests across the Internet. Also the client software is a lot more complex than you might think - it has to factor out communication delays, and adjust the time in a way that does not upset all the other processes that run on the server. But luckily all that complexity is hidden from you!

Linux Distros has two ways of automatically setting your time: ntpdate and ntpd.

ntpdate as standard, and will run it once at boot time.

The ntp daemon ntpd is far more subtle. It calculates the drift of your system clock and continuously adjusts it, so there are no large corrections that could lead to inconsistent logs for instance.