Archive for the tag 'MX'

How to import sites with custom MX records Ensim Pro Control Panel Linux

The import of a site with custom MX records could cause creation of duplicated MX records: apart from custom MX records which are defined in the imported archive, default MX records could be created.

In order to avoid this, please proceed through the following steps when importing a site with custom MX records:

1. Before importing sites disable the creation of default MX records. Run the following command(s) as root:

/usr/local/bin/SetDefaultMXRecordState -f on

2. Restart epld service using the following commands as root:

service epld restart

3. Import site from the archive.

4. When the site is succesfuly imported, please turn off the freezing of MX records for imported sites.

For this, run the following commands as root:

/usr/local/bin/SetDefaultMXRecordState -f off

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