Archive for the tag 'Modules'


Kernel Modules

To find out what a particular driver/module does, the modinfo command can be used in many cases:

root@:~# modinfo -d i915
Intel Graphics

modinfo — program to show information about a Linux Kernel module

root@:~# modinfo -d soundcore
Core sound module

modinfo extracts information from the Linux Kernel modules given on the command line. If the module name is not a filename, then the /lib/modules/version directory is searched, as done by modprobe(8).

root@:~# modinfo -d ext3
Second Extended Filesystem with journaling extensions

To set parameters during module loads, you can add entries to /etc/modprobe.conf on RHEL or /etc/modprobe.conf.local on SLES.


Installing Perl Modules

Installing Perl Modules.

Perl Modules can be obtained from the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) at

The easiest way to install Perl modules on Unix is to use the CPAN module. For example:

shell> perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install DBI
cpan> install DBD::mysql

DBD::mysql is the Perl5 Database Interface driver for the MySQL database.

To find a particular module, use the i command, followed by an expression that you want to search for:

cpan> i /Time/ will go out to the CPAN mirrror that you selected, download the list of modules, and tell you which ones match the search word.

To install a module, just type:

cpan> install Time::CTime takes care of the whole process. It downloads the compressed file, unpacks it, builds it, and installs it all for you, unless there is a problem with the installation process. If there are other modules on which this module relies, it will also download and install those.

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