Archive for the tag 'mode'


Using apm to enter suspend mode

Using apm to enter suspend mode

If the apm service is running, the apm command lets you view information about your computer.s power management and put the computer in suspend mode (if it is supported on your laptop). Here are some examples of using the apm command:

# apm -m

Using the -m option, the apm command displays the number of minutes of battery life remaining (if that information is available). It may also give you information about the status of how the battery is charging and whether or not the laptop is currently plugged in.

# apm -s

The -s option of apm causes the laptop to enter suspend mode. You can start up the laptop again, in most cases, by pressing a key on the keyboard.


PHP Safe Mode in Cpanel

PHP Safe Mode

If you are running a version of PHP older than 3.5.0, and you cannot enable safe mode, this page provides a couple of alternative measures you can take to better secure your PHP configuration.

In some cases, you may be able to use safe mode with a group ID (GID) check rather than a user ID (UID) check. This can be useful if, for example, you have multiple users deploying PHP scripts. To enable safe mode’s group ID check, change the following parameter:

safe_mode_gid = On

You also may wish to limit directories that can contain include files or executables. To do so, you can specify 1 or both of the following parameters:

safe_mode_include_dir = /path/to/include/directory
safe_mode_exec_dir = /path/to/executable/directory

Switch the power user mode off through API RPC:

Send the following request packet to the server:

[packet version=""]



How to switch the power user mode off

How to switch the power user mode off

How to switch the power user mode off and return to the standard panel view through the command line:

On Linux systems, issue the command:

/usr/local/psa/bin/poweruser –off


How to enable the power user mode through API RPC

Send the following request packet to the server:

[packet version=""]







Enabling the power user mode via API RPC does not create a default webspace.
The default webspace information will be requested and created as soon as admin logs in to the Panel


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