Archive for the tag 'mod_bandwidth'

mod_bandwidth : APACI & APXS installation

WARNING: It is very important to give the lowest priority to mod_bandwidth so other modules will have the time to do their job before the documents are transmited ! For that reason, it is important to follow those steps :

APACI installation

* Copy the file mod_bandwidth.c to your Apache source directory.
* Run the ./configure script with the following directives :
–add-module=mod_bandwidth.c –permute-module=BEGIN:bandwidth
* Compile and install Apache.

APXS installation

* Compile the module with :
/path_to_apache/bin/apxs -c /path/mod_bandwidth.c -o /path_to_apache/libexec/
* Add the following lines to your httpd.conf file :
LoadModule bandwidth_module libexec/
AddModule mod_bandwidth.c

Those directives should be placed at the begining of the list so that the module will be given the lowest priority and be executed after others modules.



Apache module : mod_bandwidth

Apache module : mod_bandwidth

Bandwidth management module for the Apache webserver

Mod_bandwidth” is a module for the Apache webserver that enable the setting of server-wide or per connection bandwidth limits, based on the directory, size of files and remote IP/domain.

“mod_bandwidth” software is copyright Yann Stettler and CohProg SàRL. It’s distributed “as is” under the Apache Group licence.
