Archive for the tag 'message'

Error message ‘Invalid cross-device link’ in site-admin web-interface

System has hard cross-device links. For example, /usr/tmp linked to /var/tmp and /var mounted to a separate partition.


/usr/tmp linked to /var/tmp and /var mounted to a separate partition.

To fix the problem:

1. Create /usr/.tmp directory

mkdir -p /usr/.tmp

2. Add the following entry to the /etc/virtualhosting/tmpdirs:


3. Restart epld

service restart epld


/etc/init.d/epld restart

Reference :

To resolve this issue, check that the vacation binary file has proper permissions, the executable bit should be set.

# ls -l /home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE/vacation/usr/bin/vacation
-rwxr-xr-x 8 root root 18609 Apr 9 2009 /home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE/vacation/usr/bin/vacation

If the executable bit is not set, change the permissions:

# chmod ugo+x /home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE/vacation/usr/bin/vacation


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