Archive for the tag 'linux'

How to import sites with custom MX records Ensim Pro Control Panel Linux

The import of a site with custom MX records could cause creation of duplicated MX records: apart from custom MX records which are defined in the imported archive, default MX records could be created.

In order to avoid this, please proceed through the following steps when importing a site with custom MX records:

1. Before importing sites disable the creation of default MX records. Run the following command(s) as root:

/usr/local/bin/SetDefaultMXRecordState -f on

2. Restart epld service using the following commands as root:

service epld restart

3. Import site from the archive.

4. When the site is succesfuly imported, please turn off the freezing of MX records for imported sites.

For this, run the following commands as root:

/usr/local/bin/SetDefaultMXRecordState -f off

Reference :

Fix For Memory Error in Ensim Pro for Linux Version

Restore of appliance, reseller, site and user fails with the “MemoryError” if the size of the backup tar file is greater than the aggregate size of RAM and swap space.

Instructions to fix MemoryError exception occuring during import sites.

Resolution: Add extra swap space to the server before doing the restore. The extra swap space is added to the server by setting up a new swap file and enabling swapping on it.

Instructions to setup swap file:

Select the partition where you want to create the swap file. This partition must have free disk space to create the swap file.

Create a file for swap with the following command (# is shell prompt):

#dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1024 count=

Where = number of 1024 blocks required. If count=1024000 size of /var/swapfile will be 1024* 1024000 = 1 GB.

Setup an extra swap with the following command:

#mkswap /var/swapfile

Enable “/var/swapfile” for swapping with the following command:

#swapon /var/swapfile

Verification: The file “/proc/swaps” must contain the entry for the swap file “/var/swapfile”. If this entry is not present, then swapping has not been enabled for the swap area.

Restore can be performed after the extra swap file has been enabled for swapping.

Instructions for deleting the swap file after import:

Turn off swapping for file “/var/swapfile” with the following command:

#swapoff /var/swapfile

Delete the file “/var/swapfile” with the following command:

#rm -f /var/swapfile

If you are changing the IP address of your server you need to modify the following files with the new IP address, replacing any instance of the old IP address:


Now reboot the server and then run the following command.


MailScanner + ClamAV causing high load on Ensim Pro for Linux

Ensim Control Panel by default has the clamavmodule setting in MailScanner configuration, this was causing high loads on the server. This was also due to the MailScanner + ClamAV versions installed on the server not being compatible with each other.

To address this we are providing the rpms for the latest compatible versions of these two softwares with clamav setting which is less resource hungry as compared to the clamavmodule.

Downloads From::

32bit OS

64bit OS

Installation Procedure:

1. Get the RPMs from the locations mentioned above.
2. Upgrade the RPMs (rpm -Uvh *.rpm)
3. sh


Parallels Pro Control Panel for Linux on fresh install of CentOS 5.3 / RHEL 5.3

Prior to installation Parallels Control Panel for Linux on the mentioned operations system please check if the system has rpm user and rpm usergroup:

You need to create this user and appropriate usergroup. To do so please follow next steps:

Log as root to your PPCPL box

Type the following commands:

/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 37 rpm > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/sbin/useradd -r -d /var/lib/rpm -u 37 -g 37 rpm -s /sbin/nologin > /dev/null 2>&1

After adding the rpm user and rpm usergroup you can proceed with the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation.

Reference :

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